Made it to the top!photoMade it to the top!1 Favorite
July 2012
Chocolate & creamphotoChocolate & cream4 FavoritesFt. Funston BeachphotoFt. Funston Beach1 FavoriteUs at Ft. FunstonphotoUs at Ft. Funston1 FavoriteGracie on Beach at Ft. FunstonphotoGracie on Beach at Ft. Funston1 FavoriteGracie Walking in RoadphotoGracie Walking in Road1 FavoriteGrace at Ft. FunstonphotoGrace at Ft. Funston1 FavoriteGracie in the SpringphotoGracie in the Spring10 FavoritesHey, Is There an "Aunt" Sam??photoHey, Is There an "Aunt" Sam??3 FavoritesGracie DazedphotoGracie Dazed1 FavoriteBeautiful Christmas DoodlephotoBeautiful Christmas Doodle2 FavoritesGracie Close UpphotoGracie Close Up1 FavoriteSun Setting on GraciephotoSun Setting on Gracie1 FavoriteGetting ready for Valentine's DayphotoGetting ready for Valentine's Day1 FavoriteValentinephotoValentine1 FavoriteHappy 4th of July!photoHappy 4th of July!1 Favorite
June 2012
His brother MaxphotoHis brother Max1 FavoriteMy teeth hurt so bad I cry...photoMy teeth hurt so bad I cry...1 FavoriteI think I got this walking thing down.photoI think I got this walking thing down.1 FavoriteBaby PicturephotoBaby Picture1 FavoritePopcornphotoPopcorn5 Favorites