Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is the first try with Gracie in a Kayak. She lasted maybe one minute before she jumped ship!!!

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Comment by Nancie & Gracie Doodle on July 24, 2009 at 8:21am
We don't have access to a pool to try her out...only the ocean and bay. She is totally always in the water when she can be. She has a kiddie pool in the backyard. When desperate, she is in her water bowl. She will lay down and tip it with her front paws so she can get her chest and tummy wet.

We do plan to buy a life jacket for her if we decide to pursue this adventure. Unfortunately, I have to put it on hold for 10 days because all the grandbabies are arriving and it is going to be crazy around here with no time for me and the Doodle to ourselves. Thanks for all the info, I really do want to get Gracie into a kayak!!!
Comment by Sheri & Murphy on July 24, 2009 at 7:03am
Awe Gracie will get it. Ya know I think the life jacket gives him confidence too. He will swim in the pool for an hour and roll around on his back like he's in the grass if he has a life jacket on. He knows when he is wearing it he can float forever...maybe try that. Plus if she gets away from you there are no worries about fatiguing out and drowning.


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