I bought this for Jack when we first got him 4 years ago, and it's one of his favorite toys. Although he can catch it, it's pretty hard, so I usually roll it down the hallway for him.
It's pretty sturdy, but I do know of one very large doodle puppy who was able to chew the edges a bit and fray it a little, although he couldn't get anything off to swallow. It's also supposed to be good for their teeth.
And as you can see, very inexpensive.
Tyson LOVES rope toys, but I really have to watch him while he plays with them because he shreds them so quickly and tries to eat the string. I really like the looks of this one so I will have to try it out. What size do you get for Jack? Thanks!
I got the middle-sized one, which is about 4.25" in diameter. It's very hard rope, which you can't tell from the photo, and they can't really shred it. I'll have to try to take a photo of the one my foster damaged, it's more like he chewed away a small edge of it, but the ball is still basically intact.
Judi, I'm not sure if you're asking about the ball or the bunny; I bought the first ball at Petsmart, but then when I went to replace it (my foster damaged it a little) they didn't have it anymore & I ordered it on-line.
The brand is "Multipet"...there's a link above, but you can find it on-line all over the place. This particular one is called "Nuts for Knots", lol. Multipet makes all kinds of stuffed toys, too.
I went out and found one of these rope balls at a local pet store. I bought it to give to Muppet for his birthday, which is coming up in March. I'm saving it for a birthday present, so he hasn't gotten it yet, but I think it'll be good.