Does anyone know what it means when a dog sits down during a dog greeting? Noah is friendly towards other dogs but every time another dog starts sniffing him, he sits down. This happens every time, both on leash and off leash and it doesn't matter the size of the dog.
Gamine will do the same if we go to the dog park and other dogs are more aggressive toward her than she mind for. She never did it with another Golden or a Doodle and never with Thalie. I think it is a kind of protection against the ones they are scare of or do not care to meet...
Just when I thought I was cool with the fall on the floor and laugh... one and LOL and BTW, I became obsolete again. I now know WTD and CYA so I am cool again! Thanks.
Yay, Nancy you have joined the cool old ladies!! I mean---older ladies : ) Soon we'll need red hats and purple clothes. Just remember we make some of these up as we go along, so join in.
Thanks for the favorite vote. Didn't even know the beach boys were involved. Pretty soon we won't need full words at all--a blessing to those of us who didn't take typing seriously enough back in the day.
Thanks - I am a major Beach Boy fan and I still didn't get this! As a sp. ed. teacher we use so many acronyms daily that the poor parents have no clue with, you would think I would be a champ but......