This might be a little long, so please bear with me. The last couple of weeks Oliver has been suffering with what I call the "Itchys". He took to chewing his paw kind of raw, so I took him to the vet, she shaved the area to get a good look, and she put him on Timiril. Well that did not work out he was peeing all over the house, like he had no control, although I was walking him every hour. Needless to say this was not good for him or we switched him to Benedryl, 2 tabs 2x a day, and she put one of those horrible collars on him. Well he was ok in the car with the collar, but when I got him home he started howling and actually screaming, and shaking and throwing himself around...It freaked me out, I finally got the thing off him and he lay shaking in my lap on the floor, with me in tears...I am not a new dog owner, I have had dogs for 35 yrs but I have never seen or heard anything like that before. He calmed down, and I put a sock on the affected area, This seems to working for the time, although i have to watch him like a hawk so that he doesn't remove the sock and get to licking the area. Anyway, I have noticed that the last week he has had very loose stools, not fun to have to clean up to say the least. He is happy, eating well and urinating fine. He is his happy self, so I was not too worried about the loose stools...I then remembered that he also ate one of those rawhide bones 2-3 days ago, he loves them, I don't like them, but gave it to him to divert him from licking the leg..Anyway I called the vet, she said it is not from the Benedryl, prob from the rawhide bone...I am giving him a chicken breast tonight with some white rice, but not sure how much to feed. I will shred one average size breast after I boil it, should I use chicken broth or water? and use white rice. But not sure how much to give him. I don't want him to be hungry, and should I do this until stools are better instead of dog food? He usually get 1 1/2 cups of Canadae 2x a day...Can u guys help me please? Sry this was so long...thanks, Cheryl...And we usually give some milkbone small biscuits as treats, if I dont' give that what should I use. I use one slice of american cheese to give him the benedryl....
thanks, Cheryl