Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Here is what I came up with....
It seems like aperture is the hot topic lately, so let's utilize that and explore aperture!
Take two photos this month using two radically different Fstops of the same scene so we can all see the compare/contrast difference between the two. Go as sharp & high as you can with maybe F22, and then as wide open as you can with a low F# like 3.5, or even 1.8 if you have lenses capable. I attached a picture that explains aperture below. Use the "A" or aperture priority mode on your DSLR or go wild and manual if you are fearless :)
In an effort not to exclude point & shooters, take 2 pictures this month using two different settings on your camera of the same scene. For example, one picture with the camera set to landscape, and one of the same scene with the camera set to portrait. Let's see what those point & shoots can do!
Oh, and of course - the two pictures must have a doodle in them :)

Views: 103


Replies to This Discussion

That's fine with me,too. If someone else has any good ides at some point they can always chime in. Anyway,I remember you said you had something easy for February :)
Fine with me! Keep the assignments coming if you've got ideas.
I vote for Mandy to keep us going. You really got us all thinking and experimenting and it was very good for us. Some people actually had to pull out their manuals...I know I did and then some! Keep us challenged!! Thanks for all the help and good advise so far. It has been fun!
Ditto!! And I believe we have 2 more days to complete the Jan assignment . . . smile!!
Tick tock, tick tock, Diane :) Down to the wire!
We've had so much rain the past couple weeks, I didn't know if I was going to have a chance to submit something for the Jan assignment! Nothing like getting it in at the last minute. Both of these were taken with a 100 mm lens at ISO 400. The first was taken at f/2.8 at 1/6400 sec. The second was taken at f/32 at 1/60 sec. (My camera is a Canon EOS 5D.)

Boy, does he need a bath and a good brushing! lol!
This looks like a perfect example of using Aperture Priority to me. Very well done. I gave up on including Gracie Doodle in my photo shoot because of the same reason so I went with the roses...ha ha I now wish I had done Gracie because it is so much fun seeing the Doodles!!! Nice job!
Ahhhh, another fast lens . . . very nice. I'm getting more jealous!!!!
Oops! I just realized I was supposed to post this on the other thread. Not sure how to remove it, so I'll post it over there now. Sorry for the duplicate!
You can always remove any of your own posts by clicking on the x in the upper right hand corner. Finally I could exert some administrative power and delete it for you but people have responded here and so Ill leave it.
Great example for the assignment, Linda! Looks good to me. You can definitely see a difference in the backgrounds. Toby does look like he needs a little time in the beauty parlor :)
Don't take it personally Toby, I think you look great!



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