Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ever since Callie ate poop, she's been having bowel movements that range from full out watery diarrhea to super loose stool. She has been tested for everything under the sun and the doctor put her on a course of giardia meds, just in case the test was giving a false negative. She did prescribe some canned food, which I gave her for a few days and then switched her to rice and poached chicken that I make at home. I've also been giving her a little canned pumpkin. She's gotten better - better meaning that she's in better control and isn't going in the house anymore, but she's still having super loose stools and spending a long time on them, trying to get it all out (sorry for the over share). She continues to be perky, happy, playful, and hungry. Her usual food is Orijen, and I started mixing it back into the chicken and rice to start transitioning her, and it's making her stomach worse. We'll probably end up back at the vet (she's drinking but I'm still concerned about dehydration) but wanted to see if y'all had experience with this or any advice. Thanks!

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I can tell you that when my Maddy was having similar stomach issues the vet insisted that I keep her on the poached chicken and rice until her stools were back to normal - for a couple of days after they returned to normal. I was told to absolutely not mix in her normal food until she was pooping normally. It was explained to me ( a 1st time dog owner) that it can take a couple of weeks for their irritated belly to get better. Apparently once they have an upset stomach for more than a few days bacteria can build up and it can take a week or 2 to get it back to normal. Maddy also was on an antibiotic to clear up the bacteria...I can't think of the name right now but I am going to see if I can find out the name of it. Good luck..I know this is difficult...I thought she would never get back to normal. I just found the name....Metronidazole.
Callie took the Metronidazole (it's the same as Flagel for humans) for 8 never really stopped the flow. My vet just happened to call me to check on Callie (she's so awesome!) and said to stop with her food entirely and just go with the chicken and rice (just like you advised). She's prescribing another medication, since she thinks the straining sounds like her colon is irritated. It IS difficult - I have Crohn's, so I know EXACTLY how miserable all of this is for her and I just want to help her!!
The metronidazole is an anti-protozoic drug and usually doesn't help if the diarrhea isn't caused by certain organisms.
I know - that was given because Callie ate poop right before all of this started and the assumption has been that she got something from that. Maybe the poop eating is how this now relates to the food group, since Callie thought poop was a food group on that fateful day!
I think it was the right call at that time to prescribe the metronidazole.
I guess there are some benefits to having a picky eater, lol!
Are you sure she didn't eat something else, that might be partly obstructing her intestinal tract? I only mention that since you said she has to strain to have a bowel movement and then it's runny. Beck did that when he got hold of a ham hock and chewed it up in to chunks the size of a 50 cent piece, he had the runs & was straining for awhile after that little episode. I did have him x-rayed and the vet said just watch him since the pieces were small enough to come out of one end or the other
Callie tends to not be very good at "concealing" when she has eaten something, so I would guess no. Example - when I first got Callie she ate a box of 500 q-tips and then had an irritated colon...culprit wasn't a question...she pooped q-tip sticks for two days!
When Remington was a puppy up until just recently we fed him Eagle Pack. However, every night around 4 am he would throw up. Anyways, long story short, we asked the vet about it and he said that if something is happening on a regular basis, such as vomiting at the same time every day or pooping issues that more than likely it is food related. He said that some dogs have developed allergies over the years to wheat, beef, chicken and it will upset their stomach. The food he suggested we switch too was Wellness White Fish and Sweet Potato... we have only been on it for a little while but have noticed a huge change! You should go online and google the reviews on it. It seems that people swear on this food! It has cleared up many issues for people. Also, he suggested that we feed Remington some green beans every day. It helps to bulk up the bowel movements. I dunno if this helps or not. I have also heard that doodles have sensitive stomachs which they inherit from the poodle... not sure if that is true or not? Good luck!
Kendra, food allergies never cause an upset stomach or any kind of gastrointestinal issues. Food intolerances do, though.
It is not true that poodles have sensitive is not genetic. IBD may be genetic, and we see an awful lot of that in doodles, which i believe is due in part to poor breeding. I had poodles all my life, and none of them ever had stomach issues.
I agree with Karen on the intolerance vs allergy, but I'm cracking up because I eat plain white fish and sweet potatoes all the time, because they are some of the only things MY intestine will take! I hope Callie isn't getting "sympathy crohn's".
Frannie, I'd have them run another stool culture. And stick with the chicken and rice until her stool is normal. Continue with the pumpkin, too. Hope it clears up soon.
How much pumpkin should I give her? I've been giving her a spoonful in the morning and a spoonful at night, mixed in with her food. Man, does she LOVE that pumpkin - you'd think I was giving her a treasure!



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