Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

2/19/2010 Update:

Congratulations Team! Today DRC moved to the 6th position and we are .10 percent behind 5th place shelter. Thanks to everyone (and their family & friends) who is continuing to vote daily. With continued team work and support I am pretty sure we can regain 5th place and even move forward.

Way to go DKers!

Gang, DRC has moved up to 7th place in NJ (and nipping at the heels of 6th place shelter) and 203rd place

overall.  There are a couple of ways that DRC could win ($1K for most vote for week, most votes for State,

Region or Grand Prize).  But we can't win without the support of our DK friends.  Pleasse vote.

Want to be able to vote more than once a day?  You can if you have multiple web browsers installed on your PC.

Besides Internet Explorer there is:


- Mozilla's Firefox - Click here to install.

- Apple's Safari - Click here to install

- Google's Chrome - Click here to install

- Opera - Click here to install


And last but not least, don't forget you can vote from your smart phone too.


Please vote daily.

Views: 92

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Replies to This Discussion

I got a lion and a cow.
I got a cat, frog, cow & dog.
I got a green tree frog, a black and white frog, wonderful lab with a tennis ball in his mouth and a blue fish. It's going to be a wonderful day!
I got a pig today.
Lion & cow again today!
I got a tiger!
I got 2 pigs & 3 cows.
I got 2 dogs, a horse and a tiger.
I got a pig and a frog. (What is it with them and frogs? There must be 96 different photos of frogs, some quite scary-looking as we know. Why not have more photos of dogs?)
Okay, complaining done for today. C'mon everybody, vote!
ugly ugly fish today.
I voted this morning and for the life of me I can't remember what I got!! Old age here I come!!! =)
I got a dog.



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