Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What makes dirty socks so delicious to doodles ???    

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Sheba could care less about socks but Duke loves socks and house slippers. He proudly walks around the house with them in his mouth but doesn't chew them up.
My doodle is also a fiend for socks, underwear, dish towels, but paper has to be his biggest obsession. Just the other day he took an envelope from my purse that had almost two hundred dollars in it, now that would have been a very expensive snack. Yesterday I caught him with a black permanent marker(cap off) on my good very light coloured sofa. The only good thing is that he always tells on himself because he heads for this sofa everytime he has something he shouldn't. On a more serious note my friends doodle ate a dryer sheet and became quite sick. Luckily everything turned out ok after a day of vomiting, lethargy and loose stools. So please let everyone know so they can be aware of this. I no longer use dryer sheets.
Wow! I have to comment on 2 points you made, Donna... 1 - Tori loves to grab the dryer sheets. I believe she cold have gotten pieces of them before I got them away from her... that's good to know to be aware they could make them sick.... 2nd- tori tattles on herself too and runs under the dining room table.. then we run after her knowing she has something!
OH - I almost forgot.. Tori's first trip to the ER vet was for swallowing a hair scrunchie... this should have been my first sign of trouble to come - lol But we LOVE her dearly!
Just a bit of warning to all. NEVER pull anytning out of your dogs asre (sounds better then ass). When I got home from a weekend trip my dog sitter told me Gus was running around the backyard with something hanging out his asre she grabbed it and saved it for me to inspect. It was a knee high! Yep me and no I didn't wash it! Took him to the vet to make sure all was well. Boy did I get a lecture NEVER, NEVER help anything out of an animals asre. They told me a horrible story about a cat who swallowed some yarn without the owner knowing. The next day her owner saw it dangling from her asre and pulled it but it wouldn't come out a couple of tugs later she ran her cat to the vet. Pulling the yarn made her intestines into an accordion the yarn had gotten stuck on her esophagus! Major surgery! After "The Lecture" everytime Gus had a paper towel or other unknown things dangling during his panic run around the back yard or through the house I'd coach him. It's O.K. just relax in a soft tone and it would always make it's way out.
Warning well taken!!! Makes a whole lot of sense... Our instinct is to try and help our poor babies, but we actually can do more damage! And.. I do know "that dance" you speak of!
Through no fault of my own I ended up with three dogs that have never been interested in stealing or chewing on laundry or undergarmets. Don't know how they missed out on the sock-a-holic gene but I can leave heaps of laundry out as I sort and even the occasional sock lying around and they couldn't care less. When Thule was around I caught her sneaking a drive by lick of underwear once (eewww) but that's the most interest they've ever shown.
Lucky you! I like it- "the sock-a-holic" gene! LOL



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