Just thought I'd share a mistake! Yesterday I took Natalie out to the park and took my camera. Well for some reason my photos turned out strangely grainy...couldn't figure out why. Until I remembered that the LAST time I used my camera I took action shots...and realized I had left it on a 1/3200 shutter speed! So still shots of babies with a high shutter speed results in grainy!
Adina - when you took the action shots, did you boost your ISO up to a higher setting? ie, ISO 800 or 1200 or... ? High (fast) ISO settings help you get great action shots but they often show grain on the images. Low (slow) ISO's, which are great for still shots, produce cleaner images with richer colors. I use software called Noise Ninja to remove it. Portraiture is another one that works beautifully. (FYI, a lot of photographers add grain in post production to images that they convert to Black and White. It gives them an edgier, more retro feel.)
no i have never touched ISO...if it's not in our assignment I didn't know how to use it =)
they are the latest photos I uploaded (though at some point I changed the setting to something else so there might be a couple non-grainy ones in there too).
Remember when we could just look at a picture and enjoy it? If you are talking about the pictures you posted yesterday, Adina, I loved them. Sometimes this new technical obsession we all have makes us over analyze to the exclusion of just enjoying.