Like everyone (I think), I pull the hair out of Callie's brush when it looks like there's a bunch in it. I usually put it all on a paper towel, to throw out once we're done with the brushing. Callie always tries to eat it. I of course do not let her, but she ALWAYS really wants too! She's knocked over a trash can before and gotten to it. She even wanted to eat he hair from Wilbur's brushing today. Why does she crave hair???
Yes, Halas does this, too. He doesn't usually take it while I'm brushing him, but if a clump falls off the table, he'll pick it up off the floor later and try to eat it. That doesn't go well, so I have to go get the soggy clump of hair out of his mouth.
Summer does this also. With my lab I used to pull the hair out of the brush and let it blow in the yard because I heard that birds like to use it to build in their nest. But I cannot do that with Summer because she will chase it down and eat it. Sometimes my husband will ball it up and stick it to a tree branch for the birds in the spring.
I feel sooo much better that so many of y'all are having this happen too. I still think it's weird, but at least Callie's weirdness is in good company!