Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was trying to figure out what group I should post this in but it didn't seem to fit in anywhere (Health and Medical issues?) Anyway, my vet suggested using vectra 3d for flea control for my doodle and I just wanted to know if anyone has any thoughts or knowledge on this product? I HATE using these spot on  products at all but living in Florida something is necessary. We have been using frontline plus but I was only applying every 3 months or so. So far we haven't had a flea issue but my vet is telling me that this is a very good product. The tick problem really seems to be escalating here too. Thanks in advance for any advice!!

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You can try the Comfortis and Sentinel which are both pills. The Sentinel is also for heartworm. I give them both to Gracie Doodle once a month but spread them out so one is on the 1st and the other on the 15th of the month. That way she always has overlapping coverage. Though neither is for ticks! We don't have ticks here but when we take Gracie into the mountains or back country she might get them. I just ordered some tick collars from and they are called Preventic Tick Collar for $9.99 each. The write up sounds good but I have not put them to the test yet. I used to use Frontline Plus but am not fond of the spot on stuff because we get it on our hands when we pet her.
Vectra is supposed to be absorbed into the skin faster than the other topicals; one thing I don't like about it is that you have to apply it in three different spots in a row down the dog's spine, four if it's a very large dog. I wonder if that's why it absorbs faster; if you put smaller amounts in several places rather one big amount in one place, it stands to reason that it would dry faster, lol. I just wonder if the dog couldn't lick it when it's that far down their back.
I've always used Frontline, and have also used Revolution, so I didn't know that. Those just get applied to the one spot between the shoulder blades.
No, and I've used it ever since I got Jack, and before that with my poodle. And in Jack's case, a flea infestation would be deadly due to his allergies, so I do take flea control very seriously.
I do use the Frontline Plus...perhaps these cases of Frontline losing effectiveness were with the regular Frontline, or even their "Top Spot" product...those are not as powerful.



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