In lieu of a new front page slide show today and in celebration of Spring, Easter, Spring Break and sunshine, I'm starting a theme here in the discussion forum and you can embed photos with as much or as little narrative as you want!
Please share a photo(s) of your doodle(s) on Spring Break Vacation ... you can narrate and thus be creative and use just about any fitting photo if they haven't everactuallybeen on spring break ;-)
PLEASE NOTE INSTRUCTIONS for how to include a photo directly in your post:
1) Click on the little black camera icon at the top of the box in which you're typing. 2) Click "Browse" and select the photo off your computer that you want to include. 3) You will then see a bunch of computer gobbledygook that doesn't look like a photo--it is supposed to be there. Pretend each section of computer code is a photo and type around it. Then just click "add reply" when you're done writing and your photo(s) will appear. 4) DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT click "upload files"
ALSO...if your photos are large files they will be slow to load, so make them smaller first if you can.
My mom is really enjoying seeing all the DK doodles dressed up like Easter bunnies, and she is kind of ticked at me, because there is no way in heck she is ever going to get a photo of me wearing bunny ears, flower headbands, or any other type of disguise. If she doesn't like me as just a plain old dog, then too bad for her. I am doodle, hear me roar bark!
So we're out in the yard, and she tries to get me up on the lounge chair. Fat chance. Then she tried to put sunglasses on me. Hahahahahaha! Finally, she says, "Jack, I need a photo of you that fits the theme "Spring Break"; please let me take a spring photo of you!"
So I said "Go ahead. Take a photo of me doing what every normal redblooded American doodle does in the Springtime!"
So here is my Spring Break photograph, entitled "Spring Training". Ladies and Gentlemen, Play Ball!