Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I cannot believe that our Oliver is going to be one year old tomorrow!!!...Wow did this year go by quickly or what, lol...I look back at his puppy pictures, and I just have to laugh at that cute sweet baby that I fell in love with...Here he is a big boy, 67 lbs at last weigh in, but he is still my sweet baby...A big galoot of one, but still my sweet baby...He is the heart and soul of our house, that is for sure...Ira & I adore him, and his brother Renny the 13 yr old aussie is his best friend. They run and play and do zoomies at least once a day, lol..He is the talk of our neighborhood, everyone loves him, and stops to pet or talk to him. When I go to something from the neiborhood, they say here comes Oliver's Mommy, not here comes Cheryl, lol. Have to get him something special for his birthday, going out today to do that, lol....Just wanted to let everyone know that he is having his first birthday and to thank you all for all the help and sympathy that got us thru those crazy puppy months...I treasure u all, and so does Oliver...

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Happy Birthday, Oliver! Have fun! :-)
and a Happy birthday to Albus too!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Oliver! - my Wakefield just turned one on April 1st so we're probably hitting a lot of the same milestones. - we're working on the last item on the Canine Good Citizenship test we can't quite seem to pass - sitting quietly with someone else while Mommy goes around the corner and hides for three minutes. Wakefield makes it about a minute and starts to whine for me. But, with practicing at home he 's now up to almost two minutes with no crying. Now that he's a big boy and over a year old we can combine the CGC with the Therapy test and start visiting the nursing homes! We'll probably take the test again two weeks, so wish us luck.
Wakefield celebrated his birth with a long walk at a nearby park with his big brother Cheagle and we all got very muddy feet!
Happy birthday big boy! Hope you get something yummy!
Happy, happy birthday, Oliver! Time sure does fly when you're having fun. I hope your day today is every bit as special as you are. Licks and nibbles from Chewie!



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