Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Long Story Short
Max and I are in love with this food for different reasons.

Long Story: 
Max is a mini LD, He is 14 months old and weighs 21lbs as of today.

I've been blessed to have Max in my home since he was 7 1/2 weeks old. He was fed Royal Canine dog food when I got him and anyone who remembers my story here at DK, will know I tried everything to get him to eat, let alone anything other than Royal Canine. I tried it all - really - I've spent a small fortune trying to get this dog to eat well. After months of trying everything under the sun, I gave up and stuck with RC. 

Flash forward to Max approaching his first birthday. Mr. Vet tells me to switch him from puppy to adult food. I tried several RC lines of food including "poodle" but, he would get horrible flatulence and let's face facts - that has got to be unpleasant after awhile. Why RC no longer worked for Max, I don't know.  I was secretly happy because I would prefer Max to eat a higher quality food with no corn and one that is not from a big commercial company. So, I went back to square one and tried different brands. Finally! He would eat almost anything. He was over his picky ways. Unfortunately, his flatulence wasn't any better. Ughh!

I couldn't understand why a quality food like Orijen gave Max problems. Well thank God for Doodle Kisses and the web. I realized higher protein levels can give some dogs a problem. Poor little Max. His tummy was not having it. I searched and searched for a food that was quality and lower protein. Yet, there seemed something wrong with everything I found. I'm very picky. I waved the white flag and decided to go to the closest Costco and buy us some dog food. Although Costco is not a horrid food, it never sat well with me knowing that some of the ingredients came from Chinese imports and/or possible contaminated, unchecked, processing leftovers. 

Back to the computer to do some research. What is this?....Fromm?

"Just the Facts, Ma 'am": 

*Variety of flavors
*Made in a USDA certified plant - Wisconsin
*Long established company
* 5/6 star rating
*Several Lines of Food including Grain Free
*Better quality grains
*Limited Fillers (Tomato Pomace/Oats Hulls)
*NO menadione sodium bisulfate or ethoxyquin
*Small kibble similar to EVO Small Bites (a plus for me anyway)

This stuff even smells good!  The Chicken a La Veg  - Four Star Line (Their top line and the one I suggest) smells like CHICKEN..imagine that?!! ;)

Max loves this stuff. He has no flatulence (lower protein percentage than Orijen and similar brands) and pardon me for saying but, his poops are better too. One large turd versus many small turds. I heard my husband tell Max that he now "poops like a man". I'm not sure if that is good - LOL.

I'm in the Seattle Metro area and I have found at least two pet stores that carry Fromm. You won't find it at the chain pet stores.


I paid: $13 = 5 lb bag

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Wow! What a great analysis, and what a great review! I agree, Fromm is a great company and the Four-star line is a great choice!
You can also rotate all of the different 'flavors" in the Four-star Line to give your dog variety and keep him interested in his meals.
Maybe someone, hmm, can persuade them to distribute more widely? I liked the wide variety they had.
I was also able to find a store that would order it for me. Also, sells Fromm. Just some other possibilities.
Thanks but..I would not pay shipping for the food since I can get Solid Gold nearby and the dogs are fine with it.There are no closer small stores than where I got Fromm before. I would probably switch back if it were available in Petco, where a number of premium brands are now sold along with the rest.



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