Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bella , nearly a year old, has developed 2 hotspots. The vet gave us some medication & said that some dogs are just prone to them and that Bella is probably one of them..Oh no !!!!

Also, she has dry skin, despite having a can of sardines every week ( she loves them & full of omega oils) .The vet said flax seed oil for dogs, so I am just starting her on that .

Any ideas on hotspots & dry skin?



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At the recommendation of some on here we started Lucy and Sophie on EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) and it has really seemed to help with itchy skin (particularly Sophie).
We've taken Jasper off of all Wheat and gave him Evening Primrose Oil and it really seems to work . Give it a good 3 months to notice a difference .
I am glad that you mentioned the 3 months - I just ordered EVO for Hunter - hopefully it will come today. I didn't know it would take that long. Thanks!
I too have started my Oliver on Epo, it is wonderful, and I did take him off of all food with grains in it. He had an allergy to who knows what, started to lick his paw and we had the worst 2 mos going thru the thing to get it to heal, he had to wear a sock on the paw, and bandages and cleaning with betadine, and so much more, It got to the point where he would see me with his meds and cleaning stuff for his foot and he would just sit and give me his paw. All this started with a hot spot. So now we give him one Benedryl in the morning and one at night just before bedtime, to make sure he doesn't go for the paw. This licking and rubbing makes it worse, but finally it is gone for some time now, but I watch like a hawk for any signs of it happening again. He is fine now, his skin is not itchy, and his fur is beautiful...The people here suggested EPO, and it is really great...made a big difference. They get hot spots I think from an itchy area that they lick, and then make it worse.
Thanks everyone...her spots look so bad & I know they bother her. So, how much EPO do you give and do you just add it to her food? Could I also give the flaxseed oil or would that be too much? I home cook her meals, actually half & half.She gets a cup of dry kibble, Origen & then the meat , vegs & fruit mix I make. Maybe I should not add the brown rice to the homecooked mixture.....oh my..thought my mothering worries were over when our kids grew up !lol
The brown rice is ok stay away from wheat . It looks like the food is grainfree check your treats , thats where I messed up . I give Jasper the liqiud EPO 1/2 tsp and a super antioxidant plus 4 dog vitamins a day because we feed him cooked food also . they don't get enough vitamins when you feed them this way . It took Jasper a good 3 nonths to clear his skin problems up . the liquid EPO gets in the system faster .
Thanks Laurie, I didn't think of the treats..Milkbone....first ingredient listed is wheat.I'll add the vitamin aso.
Also, I have been doing lots of reading on dry skin, anyone ever heard of Seagreens Powder ( for dogs) ? It looked interesting & I was talking to the lady in the health food store about it.
Just wondering... Bella is started on EPO..thanks to all again :)
I had a Golden and our Vet said he thought it was an allergy. It could be food or in this case was seasonal. We were told to give him an antihistamine before this time of year. I am sorry to say he is no longer with us and we weren't able to try this.
It's been over 4 months now on the EOP, it's working great! No hot spots ( knock on wood) and we give her 2 capsules every night.Her coat is also shiny & very nice . Yhanks again!!
It may seem drastic, but think about putting Bella on a raw diet for a few months. That eliminates all additives and grains. After her skin clears up, you can try adding things one at a time. It will take a few months for the itch-scratch-itch cycle to stop, but will be worth it. I'm pretty sure there is a Raw Diet Group that you could join.
This may sound crazy but what does a hot spot look like?



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