Thanks to the education I've received here on DK, I've been adding 500 mg of Evening Primrose Oil to Nugget's dinner each night. We've noticed it helping her skin itchiness, so I plan to continue. I bought a bottle of 250 mg capsules at the health food store, so I've been cutting open two gelcaps and squishing the contents into her dinner. I'm wondering if anyone just puts the gelcaps into their dogs dinners whole without "squishing"? I was a little afraid to do that because I was afraid it might be rough on her digestive system, but maybe I'm being paranoid? But, I notice that my "squish" technique is not perfect and some of the oil is left in the squished capsules that I am discarding.
Has anyone tried Animal Essentials Omega 3 Plus Essential Fatty Acids for dogs and Cats? The ing. are fish oil, borage oil, and vit. E. 1 t. contains EPA 575 mg., DHA 380 mg.,GLA 240 mg., AA 90 mg., and vit. E 30 I.U. It was reccomended by a local pet store over the Salmon oil (which they also carried).
It's awfully expensive. That may be why the store recommended it.
I just bought 500, 500 mg. evening primrose oil capsules for $9.75. That's a year's supply for my guy. I use the evening primrose oil on the advice of Jack's immunology specialist. I'm always a little leery of recommendations from store clerks.
I'm also personally leery of adding vitamin E (and other fat soluble nutrients) without reviewing the amounts the dog is already getting in his diet...that's going to vary tremendously depending on what kind of diet an individual dog is on. Why did the store recommend this to you? Does your dog have any medical issues?
The salmon oil would primarily provide Omega 3 fatty acids. The evening primrose oil provides Omega 6 fatty acids in the form of GLA. I started using it for Jack on his specialist's advice, and a lot of FG members have been using it for their dogs' dry skin and itching problems. I'm not sure what the store clerk means by "complete", but if the vet is only recommending Omega 3 in the form of salmon oil, I'd go with the vet rather than the store clerk. Vitamin E affects blood clotting, and while 30 IU is a very tiny dosage, many dogs' diets include the full recommendation of 400 IU/day.
Boy, I don't know about this one. It's only Omega 6 fatty acids, but for a young puppy, I just don't know. I think I'd wait until at least 6 months old. At three months old, he shouldn't have any dry skin or coat issues, and probably doesn't need supplementation. Plus, they're growing so fast at that age.
I agree with Karen. The supplements are pretty much a no-no til 6 mos, I think. We did give Nugget salmon oil at that age, but only on the advice of the breeder and it was just a couple of times a week, not every day. I have to say I don't think it made much of a difference at that age and it's pretty expensive. Now that she's older, we are doing EPO and it has made a big difference in her skin/coat. But, if I were you I'd wait unless the vet says go ahead.
Thank you, Karen and Nugget's Family, for the quick response! I will wait. He goes to the vet again 5/10 and I will ask there too. Always appreciate the help!
Karen - I know you give Jackdoodle 500mg - would that be too much for Peri since she is only 25 pounds? I am thinking of switching from salmon oil to EPO capsules - it's less expensive and so many of FGroupers use it....