Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My name is Heidi.  I am 50, live in St. George Utah.  I am looking for a doodle.
I would love to rescue one.  Please advise me to any available.  I would GREATLY appreciate it.
I do not work away from home.  Thanks Heidi

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Check out DRC and IDOG for rescue doodles. Pictures and dogs are posted right here on our front page! Bottom center.

Visit the websites. There are MANY who need homes. Apply for dogs. Be patient. Be very patient and a doodle will find you :)

Good Luck.
Oh and use also.
A few questions Heidi:
Why a doodle? Allergies or non -shedding?
You mentioned on your page you were looking for puppies for sale but here you mention rescue. There are big differences with each and each comes with a whole different set of issues.

If it is a puppy then see the breeders recommended group. Make sure you read carefully " WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A BREEDER"

There are 256,000 dogs at this very moment listed on who need a home!

A quarter of a million homeless dogs :( across the country.
I am aware of the issues associated with a puppy. I am not so aware of the needs of a rescue dog. I suppose they are all very different. I would like a doodle because of the smartness of the breed, the look, the gentleness and sure the lower shedding and allergies are a plus. I have had cockers and poodles. Both of which we loved.
I think the doodles would be a good fit for us.

The link I gave you above for the DRC has a LIBRARY full of information, stories, and what to expect with a rescue dog.

Many of us on this site have adopted, fostered, and support rescues so we understand - do go to the above site and best wishes :)
Hi Heidi,
A rescue dog, doodle or any other breed, can have no issues at all other than needing a complete vet check up with vaccinations and a good grooming. Others may be scared and confused - they have been wandering the streets looking for food and warm, dry place to sleep while others don't understand why they been dumped at a shelter by their families. All need love, time to understand that good food will be there everyday and they safe. You would have to understand that they may forgotten have potty manners and you would have to start training as if they were a puppy so you will know what needs to be worked on.
The best part of rescue, IMO, is watching that doodle become a secure, happy dog and making them 'ready' for the their forever home. It is sad to say goodbye but knowing that you have helped save a life and their are going to a wonderful doodle home is worth every tear! There hasn't been 1 doodle that I have been involved in rescuing personally that hasn't made me cry when they left but they are happy tears.
Wonderful. Thank you for the info.
Hi Heidi - I'm north of you.  Hard to find Doodles here, let alone rescues.



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