It seems participation in this last page decor contest was down from last time, yet never has participation been HUGE. My guess is that perhaps this time there was less notice and the theme was not real easy and it was a temporary theme that would need to be changed AGAIN once the contest was over.
But I'm wondering if interest is just overall low in this particular type of contest. If we have another Page Decoration Contest I'd like to have NO theme--where everyone can do what they like to their page.
Would you participate? Yes/No?
And if NOT...please use the poll below to share why -- SCROLL DOWN A WAYS...I can't seem to get it to show close to this text. You may choose up to 3 options:
I really wanted to join in this time but plans went awry. I think that if there was more time to play and get your page together for the theme more people would try. I am going to work more on my simple page, just never thought about it since joining DK.
I participated in the very first one of these and loved the process. I found many sites where I could grab graphics and steel things to decorate my page and all sorts of new tricks. However, shortly after going to all of these various sites I had never been to before I ended up with a huge virus that resulted in a trip to the repair shop and a couple hundred dollars to clean off my HD and get rid of the virus. I have since gotten this same virus again, which ultimately ended up killing my computer. I now have a new computer and I'm just not willing to risk getting this nasty little bug again, so I am very careful about the sites that I visit. I miss all those cute little graphics and things on my page, and I have no way to know if those are the sites where I picked up the virus, but I'm just not willing to risk it again. So, that's the reason I'm not participating. I love the fact that you do the contests though. I love going and looking at everyone's pages (although unfortunately I didn't even get to see all of them in this last contest as I just ran out of time.
I love decorating my page. I change it often anyway....I bore easily. This was a really fun contest, because we were looking at it from the perspective of our Doodles. I enjoyed thinking about what they might say about their Mom (and I only included the good things - LOL). So, yes, I would definitely participate in the future. Also, as I change my page in a week or so for Memorial Day, I'd be happy to actually document everything I do for others who are looking for a "guide".
I love decorating my page and trying to figure it all out I just didn't have time this past week I think we should keep on having contests I really don't mind if I don't win I have my prize WILSON I think we should keep on having the contests
I love changing my page around and enjoy the contest. It would be nice to be able to preview any changes. Today if I make changes, I make one change at a time, save it, view it and if I like it make my next change. If I don't like it I use the back button. I always try to make only one change at a time because the back button will take you back to your last saved changes. That way I don't have to start from scratch every time.
I like the contests, like decorating my page and LOVE the prizes! I wasn't really comfortable participating in this contest. Basically we had to think of a bunch of great things to say about ourselves. I already have a website that does that, lol... and I don't think this was the type of contest breeders should necessarily participate in. It seemed a little...umm....self serving and boastful maybe....
In general, I don't think people are comfortable openly bragging about themselves, maybe this is why the participation was down?
Well, it doesn't have to be bragging about major things. It could be very simple and depending on your spin it could be funny without seeming haughty or showing off. And like F Parker said... if it's your doodle talking it's not your fault. PLUS...if you really could get into the head of your dogs, they'd probably brag about things that we humans wouldn't anyway ;-)