Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Do any of you have experience with Struvite Crystals? 


Ruby had a UTI a few months ago and when her urine was tested the vet found struvite crystals.  I was told to put her on Royal Canine for life and the UTI was treated with antibiotics.  After looking at the ingredients of RC I was certain their was something better out there.  I did a lot of research on dog food and tried to find a food low in phosphorous and magnesium.  I ended up with the Honest Kitchen.


A month went by and I had her urine retested.  She still had crystals.  The vet and I discussed options and we decided to keep her on the HK but add an acidifier supplement and retest a month later.  A week went by and she ended up blood in her urine and was having a hard time going.  We took her to the E/R and the urine sample showed crystals and another UTI.  So now I have switched to RC and will keep her on that until the crystals are completely cleared up.


My question to ya'll is - do you have experience with this and what have you done that works?  My next step after her UTI and crystals are gone is to take her to a holistic vet for nutritional advice in regards to keeping her crystal-free. 


Any suggestions are well appreciated as I would like to bring these up to the vet when we visit.



Nikki and Ruby

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I'm sure that this has been discussed before...sounds familiar! Type in struvite crystals in the search box of the forum and see if something comes up. As for Royal Canin I think most will suggest a higher quality food.
I know one of Adrianne Matzkin's dogs had a problem with struvite crystals in the urine.
You and Adina are both correct, Royal Canin is not the best quality food. I don't know enough about the cause of struvite crystals to make an alternate food suggestion, but Honest Kitchen is a very good company.
Perhaps the question to ask your vet is WHAT about Royal Canin makes it 'good' for dogs with this condition.  If we knew what protein/ingredients/whatever was high/low/missing/added that helped Karen could recommend a better food.
Adina, thanks for the suggestion and yes I looked at past discussions, but didn't find anything significant. There were a few comments here and there, but nothing suggesting what I asked. Of course, maybe I didn't see it?

I have asked my vet what is right about Royal Canin and they will tell you it has the balance of minerals dogs with a tendancy of developing struvite crystals need. There must be a way to do this alternatively though. I know this is a common problem and others must be doing something besides feeding their dog this crap.
I really don't remember what she was eating at the time but I did change to Fromm's.I now have the girls on Evo. I have not noticed the mucousy discharge she had when she had the UTIs and crystals. Did she outgrow them which I understand puppies do? Was it the food change? I don't know. The vet wanted her on S/O(???) but I told him I refused to feed her that.

What I did do was to make sure I added craisins to her dinner and to make sure she drank alot I gave her the broth from the boiled chicken I make them but diluted it with water.
Ruby doesn't drink like she needs to. I was told to be careful with buying broth because it could change the ph. But I hadn't given thought to boiling chicken and giving that broth to her. Great idea. Craisins are a good idea also. How much do you give? Which Evo are you on? I'm hoping this is just a puppy thing. Glad your dogs outgrew it. I understand crystals are not onlypainful, but are very dangerous if not delt with.
You may want to look at other alternatives to EVO right now. Natura is being sold to Proctor and Gamble, and there will almost certainly be changes in the quality and source of the ingredients.
Nikki, start a discussion in The Food Group giving me the exact mineral analysis of the RC formula your vet recommended. We were successful in finding a food for Allyson's chihuahua (who has kidney damage from the 2007 recalls) that matched the mineral content in the Rx food the vet prescribed. I feel confident we can do the same for Ruby.
Also, discussions in Groups will not appear in Forum searches. I think there may be more info in TFG about urine Ph and struvite crystals.
Thnaks for the reminder Karen about Evo and P&G. I almost forgot!! Do you when the switch will be made or has it already? Just wonder how much time I have before I have to change. BOTH my girls love it so I am doubly disappointed in Nutra!
Very disappointing Nutura is being sold to Proctor and Gamble.

Okay, I will start this in the Food Group. Didn't know about that. Thanks.




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