Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I got this e-mail today from Delta Society and although it doesn't affect me because I don't feed raw, I was just curious to know what others thought about this!  I'm no "Food" expert, but seemed a little strange to me. 



Over the past few years, the increasing use of raw protein diets and the health concerns and controversy generated have grown, not only between the public and veterinarians, but often within the veterinary
profession itself.

After careful consideration of all of the known scientific facts, and on the unanimous advice of the Delta Society Medical Advisory Board, made up of internal
medicine and public
health experts
from North America, the board of directors voted
to preclude animals eating raw protein foods from participating
in the Delta Society Pet Partners program
. This will be a
phased program, with complete compliance structured to be in place by June 30, 2010.

Please click here to review the policy and frequently asked questions about our
new Raw Protein Food
as posted on the website (

If after reading the policy and FAQs you have any questions or concerns,
please email for the
Delta Society Medical Advisory group to address.

Thank you,

Dianne Bell
Pet Partners Program Manager


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Well, considering the fanaticism of a segment of the raw feeding community, I'm sure the sparks are flying white hot in their discussion groups because of this; I will have to look into the reasons behind the Delta Society's decision before I form an opinion. I'm guessing it might have something to do with the fact that patients undergoing certain types of cancer treatments are very susceptible to opportunistic infections.
SO VERY INTERESTING! Cooper and I went for our Delta Society Therapy Dog interview last week, and I asked if Cooper eating raw would be an issue, and was told yes. I asked why, and they said that because the raw food can contain bacteria, such as salmonella, and this could transmit to a patient. I have been considering what to do about therapy dog school and Cooper and if I even want him to be a therapy dog at all since the interview. In addition to having to switch him off the raw diet, they explained additional health risks to Cooper from working in a hospital setting. A strange fact was that a dog working in a hospital was 5 times more likely to have a UTI????
About the raw food, I don't think I am willing to switch Cooper because it has been so hard to find a food that he will eat and doesn't throw up, and because I get his raw food from a reputable company that tests for all pathogens and bacteria per batch, I feel comfortable with the food. I wouldn't feel comfortable just getting some meat from a butcher and giving it to him uncooked. I guess if I want him to be a therapy dog I will have to try cooking for him because kibble does not stay down....
I am starting to find this whole food thing to be as frustrating as the flea/tick treatment issue!!!!!
Guinness had his Therapy Dogs International evaluation on Sunday, and I was never asked this question. This may be a Delta only you have a TDI chapter in your area?
We do have TDI, but not right here in Portland, I have to travel. Plus the Delta Society has a full training program here and works extensively with the dogs, which I like. And actually, at the interview, I guessed it could be a problem because people are SO paranoid of raw food, so I asked. I could have just kept my mouth shut and there wouldn't have been a problem, but it appears sooner or later it would be a problem as they are going to start enforcing it. I may go with another organization, but I am not sure yet. I guess I am feeling rather discouraged right now about the whole situation - not just the food, but the risks to Cooper and to me.
Would you have to actually do your Therapy work in a hospital? Guinness and I are going to be working with patients in an Alzheimer's facility which I believe is less of a risk, although I have volunteered in the Cancer Center of our hospital for over two years with no problems. We're also going to be part of a TDI reading program in schools, and I see no risk with that. Maybe you just need to talk to them about what other "non hospital" opportunities they might have for you and Cooper.
It probably doesn't matter to Delta if you go to hospitals or not as far as this policy is concerned.
But I work in a hospital and although I took Rosco for a few visits...I greatly disliked the idea of essentially passing a big stuffed animal from patient to patient. Kinda grossed me out. I did have everyone sanitize before and after petting him, but I can't sanitize every inch of their room. So I stopped doing those visits...that and my hospital is tiny so the number of patients he really could see on any day was too small to warrant the whole 'bath within 24 hrs of visit" clause.

I enjoyed Juvie visits and the library's reading program WAY more.
The bath clause, for the doodles that is, would be more than I could handle : ) some of this volunteering sounds harder than work!
Well we got around it because it says 24 hrs EXCEPT in the cases of dogs who visit frequently and the facility has a looser standard. So I helped create a looser standard for our hospital and none of the other places cared. Because we visited twice weekly and there was no way I could keep up with that. I tried, but it was ridiculous and then Rosco would be cleaner than the floor he laid down on.
As far as no risk in schools--I just think I should just mention that YOU will be exposed to all sorts of colds and runny noses and germs. . . :-)
Oh my yes! So many boogery kids would want to read to ROSCO.
Delta Society has made this an overall ruling. All Pet Partners are excluded from evaluation if they are fed raw. Period. Throwing the baby out with the bath water. There are no "non-hospital" opportunities available for raw fed dogs. There are no opportunities, period, with Delta Society.
I understand the concern about the dogs transmitting pathogens from the raw food and it does make sense. I'm not sure about the dogs getting UTIs, unless it's from sitting or laying on the hospital floors. Anyone going into a hospital does face risks from pathogens that may be there and that may be drug resistant, etc. I would have reservations of feeding raw poultry or meat to my dogs because they could spread pathogens around the house even if fed outside, which would be impractical weather wise. Also petting and kissing the dog would also pose a risk.



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