Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I saw on the site that someone writing about quirky things that their doodle does. I tried to join in the discussion but I wan't a member of that group so I thought I'd start another b/c this seemed like it could be funny. Sonny does so many little quirky things but the funniest thing he does is rest or sleep with a tennis ball in his mouth. He just kind of lays there with it inside his mouth. One of these days when I upload my new photos I will post a pic.

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Hmmm... okay - where to start... you mean besides her eating things she shouldn't like screws, shorts, etc.???? Oh wait that's not quirky... that's just plain - dumb!.... Tori likes to jump up on us unexpectedly when we're all sitting on the couch watching tv, whenever we give her a treat, she dashes into her crate... kinda' makes me sad when she does that - like that's the only time we 'give her treats', she loves to crawl under the beds and yelp like she's stuck and when we check her - she runs out the other side, oh yeah... she loves to catch ice chips that my son spits at her - wait .. maybe that's my SON'S quirk -lol, and like many doodles out there.. she 'play digs' to dig us out of bed, or herself into a 'hole' on her bed... I'm sure there's more that I can't think of right now! SILLY DOODLES!
Maybe Tori just feels like her crate is a good place to go and hide with her treat so no one tries to steal her precious treasure! My doodle both run to the carpet to eat their treats. I think it's kind of weird. They used to always run to the large rug we have in our living room but we took it up while some work is being done and now they run into the bedroom to the carpet in there to eat their treats. Not sure wat that means.
That's true.... Kellli!
Chewie communicates so well. He will bark to get my attention and when I'm looking at him, he'll walk to what he needs like the kitchen to be fed (he totally knows when it's around dinner time) or the door to go out. Once he gets there he does this little flip of his head toward the door or the pantry to show me what he wants/needs. It's so funny to see.
My doodles are always doing funny things! Marley yawns very loudly, but only when he's excited. He does not yawn when he's tired, and he cannot yawn without a loud screaching sound to accompany it. Lizzie talks quietly and stares at my face to wake me up in the morning, like a little kid waking up the parents. She will go from my side of the bed to dbf's and back again until someone gets up. Never barks, never jumps up, just stares and mumbles! :-)
I live in NYC and Lola loves attention. We will be walking down the street and she will just stop and drop dead and lie on her side not moving. People always stop and ask if she is ok - is she tired? is she thirsty? etc. I tell them she is just a drama queen. She will then roll over on her back - legs wide open and paws dropped, begging for a belly rub. Amazingly 9 out of 10 people will stop to rub her belly. It is really so cute and funny but can sometimes make for a very long walk!!
Gavin tried to pull a fast one on me last night. We were playing late-night fetch when he lost the tennis ball in the darkness. After looking around a bit he casually walked back to the patio, stuck his head under the bbq cover and took out another tennis ball that he had stashed there. Without making eye contact he strolled back to where the original ball went missing and dropped the "provisional ball." He walked around sniffing for a few seconds and then "happened" upon the provisional ball, picked it up and excitedly trotted back to me for praise for finding the ball that I threw for him.
NOW THAT is one sammmmart doodle - too funny!!!
Peri likes to get on her back and roll all over her antlers. She makes a crazy "rorarara" noise and has all 4 paws in the air. Silly doodle!! I need to get a video camera for her silly quirks.
awww, she is playing "bear"
The other day, we gave Snickers a piece of mail to carry into the house ( we are trying to teach him that not everything is a toy) he walks into the house and I am distracted for a minute and see him laying down in the family room-no piece of mail in sight! I look all around him and he just gives me this look like, yeah lady whats up? I then go into his crate and low and behold UNDER his bed is the piece of mail, apparently he was saving it for later to play with. This is the second or third time he has done this, taken something, hid it in the crate and walked around like nothing was amiss!
Great story!



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