Ugh. So I think I have flea-bites on my feet. About 12 itchy itchy red bumps.
The last time this happened, I was in college and my roomate brought home a stray cat that was INFESTED. Our apartment was soon infested, but only I was bitten, covered with bites and my roomate had not a ONE! I'm real allergic apparently.
So I haven't seen any fleas here. I combed Hershey, I bathed her, I combed her again. Nothing. She's not scratching any more than normal doggy scratching.
She has been on Frontline since before we got her (2 years ago) and has had no problems and no fleas. She's not due for another dose until june 23rd.
Is there something environmentally friendly that anyone suggests? I really don't want to bomb the house when I haven't even seen any fleas. I don't want to give her harsh shampoo when I haven't found fleas on her.... But I get paranoid because I remember how quickly they multiply...