Following all the good advice, I just bid on a new Photoshop Elements 8 on Ebay. Now for further brain picking, any recommendations on instructional books for this.
In the back of my car is a box... in the box is a book...... it has been all the way to NJ and back. It is sitting there lonely all made out with your address.
Gawd the guilt has been killing me.
THE BOOK, PhotoSHOP is 8 inches thick and does include Elements I believe.
The Book, with your name on it... has kept me company but it is been riding around with me since FEBRUARY
I thought writing this might get me to look in the back of the car! I drive past FedEx everyday.
Oh please don't feel guilty. I think you've had a bit on your plate. I think I will buy a book specifically for my version of elements--easier that way. I know what a good hart you have.
Go to Amazon and check them out to get an idea. I like the ones that have lots of color pictures!!!! I am a visual/hands on person rather than one who gets it by lecture or reading. Once you find some good books, then if you'd rather, you can go to Ebay and see if they have them. I wish I could give you the names of the books I gave Nancy...there were two or three. She is in Pismo Beach for a few weeks in the RV so I know the books are not with her. Otherwise, you could ask her the titles. I think I went to Borders or Barns & Nobel and just sat there with all the books available checking each one out until I found a few that I could relate to. The newer the program, the less books are available. It take a while to get them out there.
Thanks Nancie. I forgot the "olden " days when I'd look through books at B and N. Might just do that as well as your other suggestions. I kind of miss going to the bookstore and browsing.
There is also that big Yellow and Black book called "For Dummies"...we have quite a few of those in our bookshelves. They have "Dummies" for just about any subject you can think of!!
I did see a Dummies listed. But Google Books has practically whole books shown , I found. The Missing Manual series for Photoshop Elements 8 looked really good and I got a great price at