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Nobody Gets a Puppy When They Have a 7 Month Old Baby...Riiiiiiiight???

Where to begin?

Since losing two of our three wonderful dogs earlier this year, we've thought and talked and pondered the idea of adding another doodle.  I've looked and looked at possible breeders...hoping for a chocolate or black F1 (or F1 looking) pup. 

I started communicating with a few breeders...with the intention of a possible pup NEXT year.  2011.  We were/are looking at one breeder more seriously....  That same breeder has a litter on the ground NOW, ready for the end of July. 

So then we thought...well...maybe THIS summer might be better.  Who wants to potty train in the winter when you can do it in nice weather?  So I collected some opinions and then decided ... no.  Why ruin a good thing?  There's a baby who will crawl soon that's like a puppy or two in herself.  And there's Rosco who is the lowest maintenance dog I can imagine...well behaved, easy-going, loving and settled.  Done deal.  No puppy.  And so I've told myself and others over and over and over again.

But of course...I still looked. And since I was considering this breeder...I still had to visit her home, right?  I still had to meet the parents of the 'future' litter and see how puppies live, etc.  That's where I went today.  My evil husband told me "and if you bring one home, that's okay" (here everyone is trying to convince their husbands to let them get another dood...and mine is trying to ruin my resolve to NOT get one).

Natalie and I paid a visit to a 5 week old litter of reds, apricots, and creams.  I flexed my "puppy-resistance" muscles, took my anti-puppy supplement, packed up Natalie and drove 2 hours.

And all was fine.  I didn't feel like I *HAD* to leave with one...but there were some cuuuute ones!  And in showing Clark the photos we got to talking more about what it would take to make bringing home a puppy this summer WORK.

Here's where we're at though...while there is no 'hurry' here's my dilemma(s) and some positives:

-- Rosco is a big dog...big dogs don't usually last for 15+ years.  Since we want to get a second dog while he's around...if we wait too long, we're worried he'll be too old to like the puppy and it will mostly be a nuisance to him, rather than a friend.  Clark thinks he waited too long in Cass' life to add Thule.  Cass was 10 and she really didn't ever play with Thule or interact with her, except competitively.  It didn't brighten her day, anyway.

-- Natalie is 7 months old.  She'll crawl soon.  And yet...we want more kids...and if we waited till all our potential babies were 5 years will be awhile and we might be down to a one dog house again.  We WANT two dogs of different ages.  Not that this can be always planned precisely, but it's something to think about.  It might be better to get the pup now because by the time any future kids come will be surely done potty training and out of nipping stage and more or less have basic manners and obedience down pat.  Yes it will take more time to train while I have a babe under 1 year old...but it would take even MORE time with several kiddos around, right?

-- Here I am, an admin of a big doodle site.  I don't want to set a 'bad' I feel some pressure.

-- The area that is now our 'mud room' is a great spot for gating off puppy.  It is right next to the back door and perfect for confinement away from Natalie and a safe place to slowly acclimate puppy to our home.  We have baby gates and crates and can't be too hard to make it work.

-- Socialization seems relatively a non-issue.  I can take puppy many safe places while Natalie is in a front pack that I wear or in her stroller...both able to experience the world.

I'm not a 'newbie' dog I have a decent skill set at dog care.  Am I crazy?  One adviser told me essentially "sure you could do it, and do it well...but WHY?"  And I don't have an answer other than I kinda want to!  And it kind of scares me. 

So help me out friends!  I don't want puppy cheerleaders giving me the "rah rah rah...get a puppy!"  I want sincere, thought-out, advice.  Help me sort this out.  To get a puppy or not to get a puppy!?

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Well, I say go ahead. When I bred and showed Standard Poodles, they all lived in the house with us, Al, me and three little kids. It was a fun and busy time in our lives, and I never regreted it for one moment. And you know Clarkie Poo will be a big help.
Hi Adina,
I agree with everyone, but especially April, when she says that "there will never be a perfect time" have kids, get a puppy, or for that matter anything else we choose to do. I think that you are not new to puppies and you have a pretty good handle on babies right now and I think that Clark is a great get the puppy now! You have more than enough patience and love to go around. And I do think that this puppy will grow up very close to Natalie, which will be special for both of them!!! Good Luck and I know you will make the right decision for you!
Everyone else here is covering the baby things, so I'm going to address this point: Your 1st paragraph says "I'm hoping for a Chocolate or Black", however, this liter is Reds, Apricots and Creams. Are you wanting it a little too badly? Are you settling? Are you still going to be longing for this Chocolate or Black after you get the Red or Apricot? Is there Doodle #3 in your future if you don't get your Chocolate or Black now? Just a thought! Other than that, I think that you have thought it through. I agree with you and everyone else that you definitely have the skill set to make it a success, but you are the only one that truly knows what your days are like now. If things are going relatively smoothly as a new mom and you are not a stressed out sleep deprived person with no extra time on their hands, then if it is truly what you want then I would say go for it. Will look forward to seeing what you decide. Good Luck?
You are dog smart people

A baby and a puppy could be managed by you and Clark.

If we always wait for the 'right' time to make a decision, we'd spend most of our lives waiting.

Clark says YES...I say get the won't reget it.
I thought about that comment, too, but then, thinking ahead, I decided that the chocolate or black doodle would be a great THIRD dog for our DK "parents."

Now, I don't have kids, so I really don't know what I'm talking about. . .
I think since there are TWO of you committed to this, it won't be so hard. If it were just you doing all the work with the new pup and taking care of the baby that may be a real challenge. I think as long as both of you agree to share your time with the pup and Natalie- it'll work. The most difficult thing will likely be the puppy nipping with Natalie and keeping this under control, as well as when she starts walking around in a few months. You just have to face the fact that you won't be sitting down with supervising a toddler and a puppy!. It will be like having twins! It will be nice for the pup to grow up with Natalie though.
Hey Miss Adina,
I know it has been a very long time since I have visited DK...what a horrible member I am....I believe the last time that I spoke with you was when Izzy & Tucker were having a hard time getting along....and you will be happy to know that I stuck it out and all is well with the 2 of them!
When this popped up on my email this morning I had to respond because we got Izzy when Peyt was about 10 months old and I will not lie to you...there were a TON of toys lost....binkies chewed, woobies slobbered on and more
"plow-overs" with tears shed than I could count....BUUUUT....I would not change when we got her for anything!! Because at the end of the of wine in hand of will have great memories not only for yourself but for your daughter with all the stories, pictures and laughter this new pup will bring! Peyton & Izzy are so close that it melts my heart...and the patience that Izzy has with Peyton (now 5) is amazing...Poor Izzy has been chewed on, slobbered all over, used as a horse, a sweet ride for Barbie and all of her friends...a rescue dog for her babies, drug around the house by a woobie...the list could go on and on but the bottom line that it was a great time for us and it worked out well for everyone. I hope everything works out as well for you and your family!!

ps...I did forget to mention that I thrive on chaos....and with a new puppy around toddler clean up is much easier...better that a Dyson!! ha ha ha
I really think for the past few months you've been trying really hard to control your "puppy fever". I've had the feeling that in your heart you were ready ("I kinda want to"), but you've been thinking about all the logistics of how "workable" it would be right now, and holding off. I don't know how long you plan to wait before having your next baby....but I really think that's a consideration. Pregnancy, a 7 month old baby, and a puppy seem like a lot to handle. I think you're absolutely right that the older Rosco is the less likely it will be that he and the puppy will be "buddies", so sooner is better from that perspective. I have found the crawling stage to be tough....for me it was so much easier once they started walking...a puppy and a "littler crawler" would likely be a challenge. The downside to waiting until she's walking is that it will be Winter...a terrible time for housebreaking. So, there are pros and cons to getting a puppy now or waiting. I don't think there is a clear, rational, definitive answer. I think between you and Clark you have all the skills and resources to successfully acclimate a matter when you get it. That said, maybe it's more about an emotional answer, and I think you already know what that is.
Adina, honestly - the decision has been made already. It is soooo obvious when reading between the lines. Trust your guts and don't think too much about it. If you have the feeling now is indeed the time for the puppy then do it. There will never be a "perfect" moment (same goes for having children by the way) where there are no cons.
I am pretty convinced that you will be fine and that you will manage it. With all your experience from owing 3 dogs and now gotten into a routine how to deal with dogs and baby at the same time I am sure that you can do it.
And from Clark's comment I read between the lines as well that he is ready :)
All I can say is your thinking way too hard about this! (Not that that's a bad thing)You have clearly been a 3 dog family for a very long time. Your a great dog owner, obviously a great multi-tasker and have put lots of thought into this. You have all the right factors. Sometimes the best thing when decided "when" is to follow your heart and not your head. The right puppy may be this litter, it may be the next litter or it may be a litter a year from now. What does your heart tell you?
Remember the right puppy will find you!
Go out into your back yard with a coin - heads get the puppy - tails no puppy. Fire the coin way, way up into the air. While the coin is in the air you will experience a moment of clarity and you will "hope" for which way you want it to land. That will be your answer. Don't bother tracking down the coin and checking the outcome - you will know.



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