I know "they" say dogs have no concept of time. When you leave and come home, they greet you the same way whether you've been gone for 5 minutes or 5 days. So here's my question....Can dogs tell that you have been gone
for days? Do they feel differently when we are just gone for a day at work, or if we are gone for a week of vacation? Tori is with my in-laws while we are vacationing in Florida. We call and check on her every day and my mother-in-law says she's "lonely". Do dogs really have "people" feelings?
Shelly - it's really funny that you posted this today! Here's what I was thinking this morning. Callie and I were snuggling and I was kissing her beak. In response, she licked my hand. It made me wonder if she thought it was weird that I kiss her to show affection instead of licking her. Isn't that silly? But...I do wonder what she thinks sometimes, especially when I'm acting goofy (I was making up a rap for her this morning also and singing it to her).
More on topic...yes, I think that dogs have many feelings that we would consider "human" so I'm sure Tori is loney for you. Other people might be good, but for her you're the BEST.
Callie absolutely knows when I've been gone longer than a workday. She gets mad and snubs me. She sulks for a little bit then gets all happy to see me but it's not immediate.
Definitely! When we boarded Snicks
last Dec for 5 days he was super happy to
see us at first but gave us the cold paw for about 2 days afterwards he was definitely not happy we were gone for so long. Little did he know we were able to watch him on webcam at the boarding/dogcare location during playtime and saw he had a GREAT time!
LOL What a great idea...a webcam.. we should have set ours up for my in-laws to use... oh well next time! I'm sure Tori will probably do the same thing as Snicks!
When Porter is gazing longingly at my food and I pet him instead of give him some, he gets an annoyed look on his face and avoids my hand. I really do think he is thinking, "What an idiot! I want the food, not an ear rub! Gawd, I wish she spoke my language."
Well Peri and Taquito go INSANE when we come home from vacation. They put on a huge show for us, we get licks all over, etc...
On a typical work day, we come home for walks during lunch and then again for good around 5, they yawn and definitely smile at us, but it is not the same. T & P even start wrestling on top of us when we come home from vacation.
They are heading to grandma & gramp's for over a week starting tomorrow. They will have a blast - 2 extra dogs to play with! But they will be sooo ready to come home, but will not realize it until they actually see us (IMO).
I do think Coach has feelings! He gets mad at me when I leave the house and will pull pillows, toys, etc. all over the house while I am gone! He makes a mess!
My guys are totally into their routine. They are creatures of habit, and they don't like it when things are "different". It just seems to throw them off. I'd love to think they miss US when we're not with them, but I think it's more like they are missing their normal routine. Not sure though....if we could only read their minds.
I work at a kennel and alot of owners say their dogs ignore them after they pick them up for a day or two. We also tell owners not to bring good beds because alot of times they will shread them in pieces on the first night. I can tell the difference in the dogs attitude if they are there for maybe 1 to 3 days or when they are there for a week. It's like "OK,I had enough and I want to go home NOW".. So' Yes I do think they know when you are gone a long time.
We returned yesterday from a 3 day get away. Our wonderful dog-sitter had dropped Bodi off about an hour before we got there. Bodi cried when he saw us - of course jumping and kissing everyone too. He did have a great time at their house (except he threw up in their bed! ) but he definitely knew that we had been gone. I don't care what "they" say, dogs have a concept of time!!
Has anyone watched the movie Hatchi? A true story from the late 20's to early 30's. His owner died of a heart attack at work and the dog went to the train station at the same time every day for years to wait for his return. They have a statue of Hatchi at the train station. I think it is in Japan.
Hi we watched the movie on the aircraft coming back from Cyprus - both my husband and myself were in tears, what a great dog.
We had left our doodle with our daughter and family and was so glad to hug and kisses him when we got back from our holiday.