And I thought I was the only one.......
In recent posts doodle owners have admitted that one of their doodles is showing fear-aggression.
Starlit shows fear of all strangers. Actually, Starlit is afraid of paper bags, water pitchers, dust rolling on the floor, a leaf blowing on the ground........... you get the idea. Even poochie bells--she knows what the sound means but after four months she will not ring them. Sometimes the "Touch" command works to help alleviate her fear and get her familiar if I can get her attention to me and not the object she fears.
When we are in public and she
meets a stranger she is able to get behind us, back away, and cower. We don't push it, just out there socializing and supporting her all we can. Our chief problem--and it truly concerns me is how she
treats house guests.
For example, tonight my son stopped by for a visit. He is not the
typical house guest you can ask to SIT-STAY, NO EYE CONTACT, SIT WITH A COOKIE. He grew up here and moves about freely. After all, even though he no longer sleeps here, this was
his home.
Starlit cowers, growls, lunges forward, and barks instead of backing
away like she does in public. Last week when he was here she tried to
nip him in the butt when he walked by. This is the 2nd time she got him.
In April, my oldest son came to stay because he was very sick. He was
not up moving around. He slept, with a fever on the couch for four days.
It never improved. She growled and came forward each time he got off
the couch. He called me each time he wanted to get up off the couch because he began to fear her.
BTW--my sons are adults who are dog-owners themselves. Gentle and patient who adore animals.
Starlit adores other dogs and is wonderful with my elderly cats.
Previous Training has been the positive reinforcement method--I call cookie training. I am looking for a more conservative , no nonsense approach. This is serious. One trainer told me to take the prong collar and yank her to the ground. ???? Is this a correct method? It is also submissive position and I think may bring more fear?
We search for places to take her to socialize her but I'm looking for
other answers or just to share some ideas about methods others are trying.
We'd like to NIP this in the Butt now before she becomes older.
UPDATE: STARLIT GOES TO THE VETI thought what the vet said was interesting. She suspects ( although Starlit was a perfect angel with her ) that what I described may be two separate issues.
1 ) Fear -Aggression --which we have so far discussed
2 ) Fear-Aggression PLUS Territorial Behaviors in the home setting.
I thought this was interesting and it gave me some iideas on what to work with.
Our next step is to seek out a trainer who will come into the home. Of course, my son won't come back so I will just have to hire a kid off the street and promise candy ( positive reward ) :)
And here is the one some of you may not like--but I do. You are welcome to throw my butt to the nippers too--feel free. MEDICATION!
To see a dog who will not play like a puppy, who cowers from fear, to me, is not living a good quality of life. For two months Starlit will be tried on anti-anxiety drugs to see if this helps. She returns to the vet after
- Home viist from a trainer
- Medication
Combined. I will let you all know how this works for us. Maybe it can help other dogs and humans enjoy the wonderful parts of life.