Callie isn't even in the top 10 this morning....we have to get her back up today. I think there's only one more day of voting. Our beautiful Callie NEEDS to be on the cover!
I know, me too. Today and tomorrow are key, and tomorrow night especially. Kim's idea on clearing your browser history may be the answer we've been looking for. I'm in and out all day today, but I'm going to try to just vote several times whenever I can.
Set your browser options to delete cookies when you close your browser. Then you can vote, close, open and vote again without waiting the hour for the cookie to expire.
Yes, but last night she was in first place throughout the evening and dropped to 6.7 and 16th place in a matter of an hour. Some of these other competitiors are playing dirty. We have to keep it up!
Yay DK!!! My dad just called me and said that Callie's gotten over 1600 votes in the past 13 hours (he likes statistics). I know there are some sour grape eating lemon suckers who keep voting her down...and I don't like them! I hope the voting for the top 20 has a different format!
I know what you mean about people voting the competitors low. I always hate to see the doggies at the bottom of the poll; so after I vote for Callie I go to the last page and vote for wheich ever dog is in last place. :)