Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, here we go again!  We just got back from picking up Rufus who we are going to be fostering for the DRC.  He is a ReHome.  Rufus is a 2.5 y/o GoldenDoodle.  So far I can say that he is incredibly calm.  No jumping whatsoever.  He definitely has a summer cut, but if his tail is any indication he is going to be beautiful when he grows out.  His tail wags constantly and his face is always smiling.  He seems like a very happy boy.  We are starting out pretty much normal around here with Lucy being mean and bossy and Sophie wanting to play.  Rufus I'm not sure has been around too many dogs because he just seems like he isn't sure what to do.  He wants to be right with me, and Lucy wants him no where near me.  Right this very second all is calm but I don't anticipate it staying that way.  As I'm typing he is just laying right beside me on a dog bed.  Look for more updates as we get more acquainted.


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We totally agree-some folks say they could never give up their pets (and we are one of those) but I respect them for doing so. They wanted the best for Rufus
I can't imagine having to give up my baby, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. It is good to know that there are people like you out there who care so much for our doodles.
Thanks. We just found him and picked him up. Sherri was great to offer to foster-it was an Ohio effort. I feel that we need to do more to overcome the fact that we have so many puppy mills here. I'm having second thoughts about maybe adopting him myself. He really is very sweet. I sat with him all the way to meet Sherri and he did like being close. Just a few scratches and kisses seemed to warm him up to us. I did wonder why he doesn't give doodle kisses-maybe the family didn't like that. Sherri , I hope, will tell us when he he plants a huge sloppy kiss on her!
Hey Linda I had some baby kisses when he was in the Doggie Tub today! Neither of my girls are kissey either! If you tell them kisses and hold out your hand they will lick it, but no face kisses. It would be absolute heaven here if Lucy would just warm up to him. It was the same way with our last Foster though. She is just bossy! I so want to go let them all out in the back yard to play, but I always get nervous about the first time out (with visions of him going over the fence). So, think we will wait for daddy to come home from work to try that.

I can't believe you are thinking about adopting him .... that would be so cool! I really don't think you could go wrong with him. Be sure to watch my updates on the DRC site. I'll yack on DK about him, but I'll keep a pretty thorough blog on the DRC site for anyone considering him to know how he is doing so I'll update that as I learn things about him.
Yea, I'll let you do all the work to socialize him better and then come and get him:):) Lizzy has been a big kisser since day one. She's in the "spa" right now-our groomer comes to the house in her petmobile..wish I was with her-need a little spa time myself! Let us know how he does so I can pass on to the other folks! L
David reminded me, we have to have a girl-little Sammy Schnauzer doesn't do as well with male dogs as females. But, I still think he will be a great doodle for anyone....what is it about these dogs that make you want them all?
I'm not sure, but I've said repeatedly lately that I'm beginning to understand how people become hoarders!
What a pretty doodle! You are such a nice person for helping him out!!



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