UPDATE: I just posted the video. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to watch.
For the past few months, on occasion while Guinness is "peeing" he will turn his head around and attempt to drink it. I know, it's disgusting which is why I haven't posted earlier. It had been only on occasion, so I didn't worry that much. I did mention it to my Vet on his last visit, and after she was able to stopped laughing hysterically, she told me she had never heard of it before. She suggested we tape it because it would go over great on YouTube. From that reaction, I decided I shouldn't worry too much. Well it's been getting way more frequent. He could easily bring this act to Cirque du Solell. Tonight he did it right at the start of his "peeing" and I reached down and turned his head away. He stopped going, and we came in. Within five minutes of getting inside the house, he peed on the floor. Has anyone heard of this before? He has plenty of water to drink, so it isn't that. I'm at a total loss. You'd have to see it to believe it. I need to start bringing the Flip camera with me when I take them out to go potty. It's so bizarre...does it ever stop being "interesting" with Doodles?
Nope...it all started before his grooming. The only time he doesn't do it now is if he's on a walk and marking. Then he lifts his leg and goes like a "normal, big boy".
Well..... I just don't have a thought about it. What do ya' think is going on in his head????? He certainly doesn't look around furtively first, like he is getting ready to flash strangers!