Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My 2 doodles - one is 4.5yrs and one is 11 months - are enjoying the spring weather and have been outdoors a lot in the last few weeks - they are constantly chasing each other around the yard and play fighting - biting on each others ears, grabbing each other by the leg, tackling each other. While I have no problem with them playing - sometimes it gets a little rough and I guess I am a little concerned that one of them is going to get hurt. I know that one will yelp to say if enough is enough. Does anyone else have this issue??

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Peri and Taquito play fight all the time - if she gets too rough, Peri gets a little time out also. It is a great way to settle her down if necessary.
Our pack play fights all the time but especially now when the weather has been so nice. It is funny to watch them team up. Sometimes it Beagles v Doodles and sometimes its Beagle & Doodle v Beagle & Doodle. Harlow, our female, is usually the instigator. When any of them get tired they just go lay in the shade.
Every evening sometime after their supper my two have a play fight. It's like a last burst of energy they have to burn up before bedtime. Most of the time Lily initiates it but Zeke will ofter bait her with a toy and she is always ready to romp. Usually it is not too rough, nipping, chasing tug of war and simulated boxing but every now and then there is a growl or action that is just too out of hand for inside, That's when I say " stop it" in my leader of the pack voice and they imediately calm down and even sometimes seem relieved that I have taken control.They remind me so much of children who are trying to avoid going to bed, getting in as much action as possible. For mine this has become a routine and seems pretty normal. I do think it's someting that needs to be supervised so they don't hurt each other.
My two play fight soooo much. They love to tackle each other. I never stop them unless they are in the house or if they are running and carrying a stick and decide to fight over it. It scares me to think what damage could be caused by a stick when they are playing. Sometimes it sounds as if they are fighting but when I turn to look at them their tails are wagging and their body language shows that they are just playing. I do keep an eye on their play though so that I can intervene if it looks as if things are getting out of hand. Many years ago I had a Sheltie and Australian Shepherd. As the Sheltie aged she didn't want the younger dog bothering her. I had to break up a fight a couple of times. It is really scary when dogs are truly fighting!!!
My little monsters are always playing like this. There are times when I see some teeth or gazes that I think is getting out of hand, but as soon as I correct it, they'll just go back to chasing eachother around and barking and tackeling eachother. Hunter may be bigger, but Daisy gives him a run for his money. And his bark is SOOOOO loud, I think the neighbors 1/2 mile down the road can hear him :-)
My two play in spurts. They have great bursts of energy...chasing, dodging, etc. and then they wear each other out. I feel as long as both are going back for more, it is normal play. Once in awhile, if I think it is escalating, I call a time out for awhile and distract them with some other type of play. I love to watch them figure out how to get the other to play. Fudge is very smart and will keep walking by Vern with a toy or something, until she catches his interest. Vern watches for one minute and then just starts running straight at Fudge. Lookout, Fudge!

So...Izzy (3 months) and Lucca (2 years) are play fighting now. Lucca has gotten much more vocal than he ever was with the Arrrrrrrrrrrr sounds. I let them play until I hear Lucca's volume change. Then I break it up by telling them to "take a break" or redirecting with a toy. My concern is that Izzy's teeth are so darn sharp right now I'm sure they are hurting Lucca. He does put her down into a submissive pose at a certain point but she just "pops" up for more. She hasn't quite figured out the "enough already" part. Is it ok for me to intervene at this point? I feel it's also important that he stay alpha so I don't want to hinder that balance, although Izzy is definitely trying to get to the top:)

This week she'll have had all her shots and we can go out. I'm hoping that will help with the energy level.



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