Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Marci and her son shlepped in traffic to go to pull Mr. No Name from the shelter.

Marci finally got Mr. No Name out of the Carson Shelter in LA County - not an easy feat I might add!

They made us both jump through hoops but we persisted, there was no way he was staying in that shelter, and he is now FREE!!

He got his vaccinations and still has to be neutered but that has to wait a little while yet. Have to wait for the wound on his neck (the black under his chin is NOT a collar - it is the wound from an embedded collar that had to be surgically removed) to heal a bit more.


Mr. No Name officially has a name - Kingston!


Marci and Son (sorry, I don't know your name) we can't thank you enough for taking an entire day to save the life of Kingston!!

We can't wait to see pictures and hear how Kingston is doing!!!




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So thrilled the vet is allowing him to wear a collar! Glad to see he is putting on weight so fast! He is skinny boy - hip bones won't be sticking out for long!!
He already looks so much better. Paws and fingers crossed (and prayers being said) that his infections clear up and the neck continues to heal. Thank you Marci for everything. He is going to be a wonderful, beautiful addition to some lucky family soon.
So it has been a busy few days, I almost took in another rescue but a well deserving family stepped up :D Kingston has still had this weird green thing going on, continues to be on antibiotics and benadryl. Only time will tell I guess. Vet says if it keeps up we may want to consider 'scoping' him to make sure there isn't a foreign body up there. He has done well with the kids. He seems to have sundowners like most pups LOL, come sunset, he is running in circles and throwing his toys all about. We have an avocado tree where he is staying and it never fails that I find he's taken one off the tree every night LOL. He just takes a small nibble out of it, but none the less, we are losing avocados ;). I have been searching for a local low cost clinic to take him to get neutered, but no luck. Everyone is booked out til Oct or is pretty pricey. So back to Carson (which is about a 40 minute drive) Sept 7 to take him to the shelter we picked him up from and let them do it.

I am anxious to get him introduced to our doodle, Dee Dee, and see how they are together. As well as take him to the dog park (if he does well with Dee Dee). He still is very hesitant about taking anything out of your hand. We have done peanut butter, turkey, hot dogs, bread, dog treats, cheese...still nothin. Drop it and back away and he is all over it! He still does not use the dog door even though it is open 24/7. And he only goes through the door if you leave it open and walk away. So someone at sometime did some major damage to this poor guy.

So no major updates yet. Will try and keep everyone updated as much as I can with 3 kids and 1 more week of vacation ;)
We haven't had any trouble with a doggy door, but Clancy was very hesitant about going through an open door if we were standing near it. Actually Ned used to be too. I do think they both were probably shut in a door or had a door slammed behind them or....
I feel so sorry for Kingston's mistrust of human kindness. I will bet that time and your gently handling of him will work magic. I hope his green poo stops soon.
I know that Karen is not recommending EVO because they were bought out be Proctor and Gamble and will probably change the formula, but all four of my dogs had really solid poop. Perhaps it would be worth a try for firming up and de=greening things.
I'm not sure Nancy but I think it is green goo rather than green poo. It seems his nose is discharging something green...
LOL, Yes, Nancy it is SNOT not stool ;) But all the same, we will give it another week and see what happens...
Ooooh. That is a whole 'nuther thing. Poor baby. You are a good mom and will know when/if he should go back. I sure wish you could find a closer, inexpensive, available place to neuter him. Maybe during this week..... Our vet doesn't work on appts and I know he volunteers with our local humane society in some capacity. But it would be a drive here also....
Wow it is absolutely amazing what a little love and care can do. He looks like a different dog already.
Dee Dee came over to meet Mr. Kingston... He didn't seem to happy to see her ;) I believe he was protecting his property because at the vet and the store, he has never reacted this way with other dogs. We will try again on more neutral territory.

Dee Dee hung out there all day, but once she got near him, he was barking and going at the mesh barricade between them.

He still hides a lot and refuses to take anything from your hands. He is eating up a storm and I will be excited to see what his weight is with his next vet visit.

Yes, I said NEXT vet visit...we are going to go ahead with the scoping of the nose. Antibiotics haven't helped much at all, so next option is to see if there is something up there. Stay tuned!
You are the best - thanks for the update Marci! And let us know if there is anything we can do to help - DRC keep us posted on those vet bills :)
As for helping, food and toys are the cost I endure while the vet bills DRC handles. So donations are always welcome ;)
Poor guy. Bad stuff just keeps happening at that nasty vet's office! He is probably so happy to have a home that he doesn't want to share it at all. I'll bet neutral territory will be easier. Maybe a side by side walk down the street when he is all better.



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