Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Snickers has a stalker!  So my husband takes Snicks for a walk everyday through this subdivision across the street. Almost everyday he runs across this woman who coos around Snickers, oh he is so cute, so soft etc.  She will even come out from her house to “greet” him.  My husband has always felt uncomfortable with the attention as he wants to get on with his walk (he is very task oriented).  However yesterday it just got weird…as she is lavishing her attention she stands up looks at my husband and says. “You know if you ever want to sell him please come to me first as I would LOVE to buy him he just looks like the perfect dog.  I would definitely pay you a fair price.” He really didn’t know what to say except express some nervous laughter, then continued his walk.  How weird is that??
We don’t have children so Snicks is like our child, can you imagine if someone said if you ever want to sell your son or daughter I would love to buy them, I will give you a fair price!  Too weird, I told him to take a route around her block from now on! Have any of you ever heard of such a thing!

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Wow, super creepy. But I sure have had similar although not as blatant experiences. Sunny gets so much attention when we are out, that I won't leave her in the car or even in our yard. I've had people drive by and circle the block and then come back to ask what kind of dog she is, or to pet her because she looks so soft. It is flattering but unnerving too.It is kind of sad, because we have a great fenced yard, but when we go to work, she is in the house. (At least we can come home for lunch) There are a lot of strange people in the world.
You should have asked her how much she would sell her child for! LOL.
I agree! Switch the walk route! She sounds sick.
OOOh I have a confession to make. After we got Sophie I just raved and raved to my friend about what a wonderful dog she was. So when her daughter and her boyfriend heard about Sophie they impulsively bought a goldendoodle puppy. They are a very busy young professional couple and my friend was very worried that they would not be able to appropriately train and care for a puppy. And THEN I SAID "If they decide they can't take care of her, I will be happy to take her". Was that stalking??
Valerie, that is totally NOT stalking! LOL LOL You were being a great doodle mommy, knowing what wonderful dogs they are - they are addicting that is for sure!
Okay, that is just C...R...E...E..P...P...YYYYYYYY! Knowing me, I'd start taking my dogs on a different route! My pups are my kids too (no kids at home) and I protect them like any mom would thier human child. We have our share of people around that will stop us and want to give them a pat on the head and pet them, but that sounds way overboard!
Keep an eye on Snickers, I would! :-) Can you say, "awkward"?
I was just thinking about today when I took my two to the park. For some reason, Fudge is nutty about birds that swoop around us. I was diligently working on their training and they were doing beautifully, until these stupid birds started swooping around us. All hell broke loose and Fudge and Vern (feeding off of Fudge's nuttiness) stopped listening and had me tangled up like a Christmas tree. Funny, not one person offered to buy my dogs for any price, which was probably a good thing for my dogs :)
LOL! Did they offer you some cash for training instead ...LOL
Had the same thing happen too. I was walking my doodle through a parking lot and a car came flying out of nowhere and pulled right up beside me - scared the crap out of me. This guy (girl in passenger seat) asked me what kind of dog I had and a few other questions about him and then if I would sell my dog to him? WTH? I said ..."Um...NO!" and just kept walking. I was so freaked out by it that I didnt go the normal way home and made sure no one was following me by the time I was remotely close to my house. Not to be alarming(that lady is probably ok)...but keep an eye on your dog...especally if you leave him alone in the yard.
We have had several offers from people to buy Quincy, numerous offers from people to take him if we ever want to give him up, and oodles of people who think he is the most beautiful dog they have ever seen. I just laugh and tell them that they don't have enough money and that he's my baby. I don't think they mean anything hurtful, they just think he is the best thing since sliced bread. We don't have any stalkers, at least not that I know of.
Oh, I will take Quincy if you ever want to rehome him!!! Gracie Doodle is quite taken by him as you know!!! ha ha
Hey! I would pay someone to take my human kids!!!! (just kidding - sort of) We always joked that if a kidnapper ever took my oldest son, he would drop him off at the first corner!



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