Snickers has a stalker! So my husband takes Snicks for a walk everyday through this subdivision across the street. Almost everyday he runs across this woman who coos around Snickers, oh he is so cute, so soft etc. She will even come out from her house to “greet” him. My husband has always felt uncomfortable with the attention as he wants to get on with his walk (he is very task oriented). However yesterday it just got weird…as she is lavishing her attention she stands up looks at my husband and says. “You know if you ever want to sell him please come to me first as I would LOVE to buy him he just looks like the perfect dog. I would definitely pay you a fair price.” He really didn’t know what to say except express some nervous laughter, then continued his walk. How weird is that??
We don’t have children so Snicks is like our child, can you imagine if someone said if you ever want to sell your son or daughter I would love to buy them, I will give you a fair price! Too weird, I told him to take a route around her block from now on! Have any of you ever heard of such a thing!