Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone read the "Handbook Of Applied Dog Behavior & Training by Steven Lindsay?  I'm always looking for new training and behavior references, and I came across this.  It's very expensive...$101.67, so I'm not going to order it unless someone has read it and felt it was really valuable.  It is not available in my library, so that's not an option. 

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I have not read it, but there are apparently three volumes, each at that price, according to, although you can get the whole three volume set for $278 and change.
Wow, at that price we should take up a collection to buy it and then it gets sent around the US for "sharing is caring" time!! ha ha
Clearly that three volume set is a bargain....It would have to be the "Bible" of training for me to even think about it!
The reviews may convince you to make the investment; they are stellar:
Yes, they convinced me. I love the fact that much of this information is "science based", but it does also seem like the advice would be very practical. I'll add to this post after I've read them....although that will probably take a while.
Does that mean you are buying it??? OMG
Yes...I ordered them yesterday. I can't wait to get them. I'll let you all know if they're worth it. I justified it in my own mind because I've bought so many training books over the past year, and I've never been really thrilled with them. They always have some things that are really valuable, and I certainly have learned from them, but none are what I would call a complete reference. Also, there's not a lot in any of them on behavior, and that subject fascinates me. I also get frustrated by the fact that so many training methods are just based on someone's opinion, and that's why so many of them differ. These books seem to be based more on science, and I love that. We'll see......
Can you add our names to your "Family Trust" so we can get in line for the books!!!!! These things are like gold!!!
HA, HA, Nancie. I should put your name on the books in case of an "untimely demise". Believe me, nobody in the family will want them (or the rest of the "boatload of training books").
Jane, maybe after you read them, you can set up your doodle behavior and training business! Then they'll pay for themselves.
Is it available for rent? Text books can be rented now but I am not sure about other readings. Also, the Kendal or Kendalls (sp) books can cost less to purchase than a tangible book. Amazon also will buy the book back within so many months for a reduced price.
I think these are the kind of books you would want to keep and use as reference materials over and over again. I kept a lot of my textbooks for that reason, and it's amazing how often I refer to them still. Especially for the Food Group, lol.



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