You can make your page private and photos and blogs private but anything in the public forum or in a public group is found by google. Did you use your last name at some point?
What I mean is that you are listed as Barbara B as far as I can tell...unless you've used your last name on DK at some point I don't know how a google search for your ACTUAL full name would pull DK pages up. I'm curious about how this would happen too.
A google search under my real full name brings up nothing to do with DK. And lucky for me, "Karen & Jack" are very common names, there are about 30,000 refernces to "Karen & Jack Ishkabibbel", "Karen & Jack McGillicudy", etc. Also two characters from the Will & Grace TV show were Karen and Jack, so there's a lot of references to them. I'm sure that somewhere in the middle of all those Karens & Jacks, JD & I appear, but good luck wading through it!
Go to your page and look at what appears in the bar at the top of your browser; that's why your page is coming up in a google search under your full name.
My full name doesn't show up in the browser bar for my page- it has Karen56. I don't know why it's different for different people. Maybe it has to do with when you joined and the way ning assigned webpage names or whatever you would call it.