Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all, I have a 5 month old goldendoodle and am noticing changes in his fur. I have heard that doodles go through about 15 coat changes and was wondering if this is true and if so, how different are the changes? How different would my doodle's adult hair be than how it is now? 

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Great, thanks soooo much, i serached the discussion forums, but maybe I wasnt using the right keywords because I didnt find too much, i will try "coat changes". I appreciate the tip!
Thanks so much!! Yours is soo cute too! :)
Here is a quick timeline of Peri's changes - she does not shed and has a fleece coat (I think that's what they call it!). She is an F1 mini goldendoodle. As you will see, every dood is different! I also tend to keep her shorter than most (easier to maintain):

8 weeks:

About 4-5 months:

Almost 8 months:

10 months (groomed that week):

1 year:

Now (17 months - coat change definitely complete):

Hi, I have a 4 month old mini goldendoodle and his fur is changing. From his neck down it looks funky. There is his sparse puppy fur and underneath it looks thick and seems curly. Is this normal? I have a year old mini goldendoodle and this did not happen to her.



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