I just watched the Animal Planet show exposing puppy mills and Petland, I had it on DVR. I can not believe that people treat living creatures like those puppies are treated....they are cruel and heartless and should be put in cages themselves....as far as Petland is concerned, I will never even walk into one of their stores again. I do not for one second believe that Petland was not aware of the puppy mill sources they were buying from; any vendor qualifies their suppliers, their reputation depends on the products they sell..Petland was just out for the almighty buck and I hope they get what they deserve!
I don't want anyone to think that any other pet store dogs come from BYB and not PMs.
I want to explain why I believe Samantha came from a BYB and not a PM - the papers I have from the store gave me this woman's name, address and I googled her. She did post a litter of doodles after Samantha on adpost.com. Her prices were $800. I have continued to google this woman and no more litters appear anywhere on the net. That doesn't mean that she is not breeding as a PM just that she is not selling them herself. The papers also state that Hunte Corp - the largest broker of puppies to stores sold Samantha to the store I got her from. IF this information is correct, Samantha is lucky! It doesn't mean that she was born in a nice enviornment at all - she probably was born in a cold barn. It doesn't mean her Mom was a loved dog living in a warm house sleeping on a bed and having people who loved her. I am sure that her life was one of a PM female, bred, puppies and then bred again.
So please understand the BYBs are just as bad as PMs. All are out for the money only. Not for the love of a breed and certainly no genetic testing!
I watched the show too, and I don't think we seen the worst of it. They could'nt even give them fresh water. I hope millions of people watched and stop buying pet food and everything from the Petland stores. I wish Opra's show she did on puppymills would air again too!. They need to keep this fresh in peoples minds and maybe people will think twice before buying.
I saw the show. It just makes me ill. I have a question. Every puppy mill the undercover guy visited, depicted low class people. Puppy mill people are making lots of money. What do they spend it on - not their kennels, not their homes or cars, not to educate themselves or their children....what???
Didn't they all sound like ignorant, uneducated boobs, and their homes with trash or 'dead' cars in the yards, didn't disabuse me of my impression? They are not stupid or as my mom says, they are 'stupid like a fox'
I don't have cable so didn't see it, but that's VERY interesting. Do they make "lots of money" though? I mean anyone ever document "XYZ puppy miller is worth $XXX,XXX??" Just curious.
I only saw one place with hundreds of puppies that was a nice looking home with the dogs living in horrible conditions. The other places were all dumps and filthy like the owners
No no one said how much they mill owners make. But when you just estimate using some of the numbers - and the money isn't put back into the 'business' - these people should be making a pretty good living.
I am NOT at all a supporter of puppymills and completely agree with many of your concerns, however, i couldnt help but wonder, what will happen to the puppies in the pet stores if no one buys them? They will probably end up at a rescue or human society and bought by someone who "thinks" they are not buying a puppy mill dog or may be euthenized. I dont think the dogs should be held accountable, the owners of the mills should. Granted, i understand that a good way to stop them is by not buying their product and subsequently putting them put of business, but so far, that seems to not be working very well given the large amount of mills still present. There must be a better way to stop what they are doing without further damaging the lives of dogs. I am curious as to Animal rights laws and what could be done.
Because by "saving" that puppy, you ensure that another one will be bred to take its place. And your money goes to support and perpetuate cruelty, just as surely as if you handed it to the puppy mill operator.
Every legitimate rescue and shelter I know is completely up front about where the dog came from, if that is known. My own doodle was adopted from a shelter, and i was told that the original owner bought him in a pet store. My foster last year also was purchased from Petland, and her adoptive mom was given all the paperwork. People do not "buy" dogs from rescues or shelters...they adopt them, with as much knowledge of where they came from as is known. And while many, many dogs are euthanized in kill shelters every year, the demand for adoptable doodles and other low-shedding mixed breeds is still far higher than the supply.
Nobody is saying the dogs should be held accountable. They are the victims. But buying them from the pet store guarantees that there will be many more victims.