Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


This " Thundershirt" was introduced to me from Charlie's trainer. It is to reduce dog's fear and anxiety and looks similar to the concept of Temple Grandin's "Squeeze Machine". I am going to take a look at one, and may try it for Charlie. Does anyone have try it? If so, how do you like the result?  How about the model of the shirt is a doodle!!!

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Hmmm. .sounds like an idea! Is that the citronella spray? I think I saw a video on that
It has something to do with Phermones, and a calming effect similar to being with the dog's Mother. (If I remember that correctly.) Isn't citronella spray to keep mosquitoes away? I have a citronella candle to use outdoors.
YES! LOL It is, but there is a collar (I think for barking) that omits citronella spray that supposedly makes them stop barking.... but - I think ANYONE would stop doing ANYTHING if citronella was sprayed in their face! I'll have to look into the one you're talking about! Thanks!
Shelly, do you think some de-sensatization can be helpful to Tori? I am just thinking from the top of my head, but something like, 1) Put the shirt on and take her near the groomer's. 2) Put the sirt on and go to the outside of groomers. 3) Put the s*** on and go inside of the groomers, etc...... Same as visitor... 1) Put the shirt on and let her see people outside from the window 2) Put the shirt on and let her see people approach the door 3) Put the shirt on and open the door for someone. so on and so forth.... It can take week/weeks before you can move on each steps, but it can be effective.
That is an excellent idea, Kyoko. That is what I am still doing with Melody about the vacuum cleaner. It is just bit by bit. I think multiple approaches are good. Our Vet even suggested Prozac and Xanax if necessary. I hope we don't need to go that route, and am trying these other approaches.
Good idea! I truly thought she was going to give me a problem with the shirt, but she actually loves it! LOL
I wish I could put my finger on WHY she does this... I have to really try and get a video of it and post it....maybe I'm just expecting too much too fast. she'll go back to the groomer in a week or two... it's not really the groomer visit, it's the CAR ride. But twice we took her in my DH's car and she didn't poop... maybe 'cause he was driving and I sitting with her or his car is not as open as mine (I have a mini van)... but as far as the way she acts with people coming to the door.... I don't know if she's scared of them, anxious, or just being the 'guard dog' she thinks she is... wish she could talk! I'd have her lying down on my couch!
LOL! Yes! I can just see that!

I have a girlfriend who helps with doggy kindergarten and she told me to make sure I didn't caudal Melody when she had these fears, that it would only reinforce her behavior. Right now the lawn guys are working in the neighborhood. I have just ignored Melody's alertness to them, as I had not gotten the Thundershirt on her. She saw that I was not getting worked up and she calmed right down. I am going to put that shirt on though, as there seems to be a lot of lawn mowers and leaf blowers on around here on Fridays.
Charlie's thundershirt came yesterday and we put it on him. He really seemed to like it. I am going to put it on him once or twice a day and we will see the next time it rains if it helps. At least he likes to wear it so far!
Alan and I took Melody to Home Depot with us Sunday and we did not put her Thundershirt on her. We figured we would only be there for about 5 minutes. She trembled the entire time we were in the store. People wanted to approach and asked about her breed. She never reacts by fear biting, or anything like that. She just shakes. The thundershirt makes a huge difference. It has not relieved the issues 100%, and we did receive the D.A.P. collar in the mail, so will try that in conjunction with the thundershirt on our next outing. I wonder how you all are, who have been trying this as well?
Well.. Tori wore her's to the groomer.... she was better, but FAR from fine. She didn't poop in the car, but as soon as I stepped out she did. maybe I should have put it on her sooner than I did before her ride. I REALLY have to make more effort to try and get her in the car for only short rides with the shirt on, but when she wears it in the house and sees someone come, it does not do much good at all. She wore it when I taught my religion class. She calmed down when the kids were here, but when the parents came.....NOPE!
What's the DAP collar?
Gosh, this anxiety is such a challenge, isn't it? The D.A.P. products are supposed to release a sort of Mother's type pheromones that also help the dog to relax. My sister told me about it, saying the dog behaviorist they met with recommended it for their dog, Ripley. They make it in a couple of different forms. I have used it in spray form in Melody's crate before I leave the house. My sister Mari puts a D.A.P. collar on Ripley when they ride in the car, as he usually would throw up. He does not throw up now at all in the car, which is huge. Ripley uses the thundershirt and D.A.P. combination. They also have a D.A.P. product you can plug in the wall and it releases the pheromone-like substance into the air. I have ordered all 3 products, and so far have used the spray. It needs to be replaced after so long, (I am not sure how often.) It is a bit spendy, but I found someone on E-bay who is reasonable priced. I can get you the contact info if you are interested.

I wouldn't trade Melody for anything in the world. She is such a sweetie. This shyness and anxiety is so sad, though. I think she needed to be socialized much sooner than she was, and I do wonder how much human contact she got. We got her at over 5 months old, and she just turned one a month ago today. I think having the second puppy will be helpful to her, as she just bounded around like there was no fear at all when she was with the other doodles, breeder and trainer, up at the breeders a couple of weeks ago. When Morgan is weaned from his Mother, I am having the breeder get him into the trainer's live-in program, which entails 3 weeks of training with house manners, potty training, socialization with kids, adults, car rides, etc...that is going to start on Oct. 23rd. The breeder is wonderful, but she lives on a farm and has no children. She does have kids come from 4H to visit, but I don't know how often.
That sounds promising.. I do think I was too worried about tori catching something before her shots, and didn't socialize her as I should. I never brought her in the car except to the vet. Her first weekend home I brought her to my parents for a bbq for Memorial Day... maybe it was too overwhelming for her???? But my sister's comment still echoes in my head.... "this puppy is too skittish"... but I chalked it up to her always saying what's on her mind before thinking and the fact that there were a lot of people there....
I LOVE the idea of the socialization training... wish we had that...
the DAP sounds great too, but I think if I order one more thing to try and combat this, my DH may send ME to training! LOL....
but she just freaked out again when my son got picked up to go to a hockey game by his friend and his friend's dad.... I keep saying I'm going to video - I really HAVE to do it and see what everyone thinks..,.. just deep sighing right now! BUT she is a LOVE when it's just us! Just kills me to think we will have sooo many years of this if we don't stop it! (I really don't even care at this point about the car issues... it's the visitor freaking I can't take!)



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