Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

When Tara was tiny she had some anxiety about being left alone and we heard about a CD used to calm shelter dogs called "Laughing Dog".  We bought it but it turned out that Mozart music was actually more calming for Tara.


The wonderful thing about the Laughing Dog cd though was that it raised our awareness of her ability to laugh and the things she found fun or funny.


 Here is one thing that she finds hilarious: She and I have a little game we play when DH is sleeping soundly in the lounge. I will say "Let's do a Pile-On Daddy!!!!!!" and we both go and jump on the unsuspecting DH. Tara gets on his chest and washes his face!! All the time she is just cracking up!!! She just thinks it is so funny! And it is so sweet to hear her laugh!!


Here is a link to the site that explains dog laughter. From there you can click on another link that gives a sample:


So what things make your Doodle or Doodles laugh?



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I just took this picture of Lucy last week-end in Alabama and I said to DH when I saw it that it looked like she was actually laughing at something! I've got lots of pictures with them smiling, but this one just seemed like she was laughing! Now you have me thinking about it though so I'll have to start being more aware and see if I catch laughing!

Lucy is so adorable!! She really does look like she is laughing...
What a beautiful doodle you have...
I wonder what is going on in her "doodle" mind...??
This DOES look like a laughing picture! So CUTE!!! Another fun thing about knowing the laughing dog sound is that you can do it yourself and your dog will start laughing with you!!
Hi T-baby, glad to see you are feeling better. My mom is too tired to write stories about OUR laughing but your DM makes my DM laugh a lot and she needs that! She has had a rough couple of weeks with the rescue, my being sick and RUBYsitting...which we are doing again and isn't going so great... But tomorrow I have BIG PLANS to work on my ditch to OR but don't tell my mom:) hee hee- sweet dreams my little fox - Bandit
Hey T-baby, when my mom tickles my tummy I laugh.. here is a picture for you

I am laughin too right now about your ride with Plastic... we got to see some goats, horses, and piggies today. We didn't take any pics cuz mom was still holden 3 leashes and she only got 4 hours of sleep last night... I tell you all the whole story tomorrow - sweet dreams - bandit
Bandit Baby!!! You have a serious case of the giggles!! What a happy boy you are!!! Hey, and your teeth!!! Whoa! They're blinding me!!! You must be a really good brusher-an admirable trait!! :)

Can't wait to hear about your adventure!! XOXO Tara



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