OKAY Nancie GracieDoodle mommy, what about the small noses??? where's the love? I thought this was an EOFDN site:)
(equal opportunity for doodle noses)
Okay you guys. No fair ganging up on me! I gave full disclosure before I published the "Big Doodle" noses. I even tried to go into each person's page to see that they were on the larger side of Doodles. I also said that I LOVE the little Doodle's noses. Aren't there any of you little Doodle people out there that want to take on the challenge??? ha ha...a contest...Big Noses/Little Noses!!! I LOVE all the Doodles big and little and Rosey and Little Bandit know they are loved...after all, Gracie Doodle is Little Bandy Boo's virtual Nurse!!!
Thank you GracieDoodle! I just felt so left out after your nursing me back to health. But no funny business, my girlfriend Tara might get mad:) and her nose is way more my size;) If my mommy didn't have to research insurance all week for me then she would have loved to put together a whose knows nose game. So thank you, I feel all doodley again - xoxo Bandit.