Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just want to say that I think that parenting a child is the most challenging job in the world!  I in no way wish to make light of that fact.  However, during tonight’s walk I was thinking about all of the recent posts looking for advice on dealing with puppy behaviour.  So…just for fun I began listing all of the things that I could think of in common between raising a happy healthy child and raising a happy healthy dog.  So here is the recipe as I see it:

-         Patience

-         Consistency

-         A good routine

-         Discipline and structure

-         A healthy diet

-         Plenty of time for play, learning, exercise and fresh air

-         Sense of humour

-         Short memory

-         Affection

-         Love

Does anyone have anything to add to the list?


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Thanks friends...DH and I always look at each other and tell our kids, "one day, Peri and Tacky, you will have human siblings". We are weird like that.....
LOL LOL That makes me laugh Allyson :-) Looking back it probably would be helpful to have the dog experience first. My oldest daughter is 11 and just started middle school - knows EVERYTHING - I don't even need Google anymore I just have to ask her! Whenever she has a meltdown and tells me I don't understand or just flat don't know I remind her that she was my "first" child - therefore my "practice" child but we are lucky because I have managed to keep her alive for 11 years, not loose her or starve her so its all good :-) Luckily she laughs at that and the meltdown ends. Taquito and Peri can be your practice kids :-) You real human baby will have it made!
Don't worry, Denise. They grow out of thinking that you're "really dumb", and then they actually start looking for your advice. It's pretty amazing how it all works.
Yep, I pretty much think my mom is incredible. I call her daily for advice and she is probably my best friend. 15 years ago I couldn't stand to be in the same room with her. I have admitted that many times.

Maybe that is why Peri is starting to take daddy's side right now? She favors him and is approaching her teenage years. LOL!
Right now I know NOTHING - its amazing that I am even able to find my way out of the garage according to my precious 11 year old (choke choke) Ava!!!
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes about adolescence:

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
- Mark Twain
That's what I meant by "not taking adolescence personally". At 11, my daughter had me wondering how in the world I had managed to survive to that point, considering the fact that I was the most clueless human being on the face of the earth.
Jane is does get better and they do start to like you again eventually.
Nothing to add...just wanted to say this is a great discussion and so accurate!
We had our dog for 7 years before kids. I was very disappointed to see that my kids don't learn as quickly or happily as my dogs learn. After about 2 yrs old, my dog was reliable in his commands and manners. My kids have to be re-taught every few months or less! I have often said "if my kids could be a well-behaved as my dog......." :-)
Oh kids learn plenty fast...they are just far more complicated and smarter :)  That's partly why I think that human kids are eons more difficult and more work than dogs :)
Too bad you can't just tell your kids to "stay" and give them a cookie everytime they do something right! lol
Well you could, but then you'd end up with some very obese children ;) LOL... I start to give my 9 mo old DD commands all the time and then realize she doesn't know them: Natalie 'sit', Natalie 'drop it', Natalie 'not for baby -- that's for doggies'... :)



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