Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last Thursday DRC was contacted by the rescue coordinator of a large city animal control facility in North Carolina. They had three young male doodles who were relinquished by a puppy mill and they needed rehabilitation to help them recover from the trauma of  puppy mill life.



These beautiful young boys need socialization and rehabilitation. They need to learn to live in a house and with a family. They need to learn how to just be normal, happy doodles. They also need veterinary care, something they never received while at the puppy mill.




DRC quickly put out a call to our volunteers and  3 wonderful foster homes were immediately located. Several volunteers stepped up to plate to drive the boys to their respective foster homes where they will undergo their rehab care. As I type, 7 DRC volunteers are en  route as they "Doodle Train" these boys to fosters in North Carolina and Georgia. 



Our amazing  DRC volunteers will be driving 1200 miles total by the end of the day, all to give these sweet doodle boys their first taste of freedom and ensure that they will have a happy life.



We want to personally thank EVERYONE who is participating in this heroic effort and thank all of you who so graciously support our rescue and our work on behalf of doodles in need.


Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts....


We could not do what we do without all of you!





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Choo Choo! Train Train, take me on outta here.... singing. I'm thrilled and so sad at the same time. Oh geesh, that look on their faces. I've seen this look. Makes me shiver for them, with them, I'm crying too. Those eyes. The crouching. But let me attest to just a few of the doodles I have met with this look, there will be a smile there some day. Some day. I'm looking at one now. Thanks to DRC for never giving up on Doodles but also, never giving up on HUMANS!
The Doodle Train completed it's journey around 7:00 ET when Frannie with newly name Harvey and Mr Noname arrived at our mutual homes. I met Suzey at the GA welcome center at 4:45. The 2 boys and I flew at a low altitude down I85 and met Frannie in record time. Now the 2 GA boys have been bathed and fed and beginning their new lives of being pampered pooches.

I personally want to thank all the volunteers who help the "three amigos" start new and happier chapters in their lives.
And the Eastern leg of the Doodle Train has completed thanks to Meredith and Heather. Heather has already washed down Duke and tucked him in for the night in Wilmington. Night night little doodles!! All three doodles will head to the vets offices tomorrow!
Oh, I forgot to mention, Mr. Noname now has a name. When he was dripping wet in the tub he was so long and lean he reminded us of a Scottish Deerhound. The name Scottie jumped to mind and he seems to like it.
Talk about the LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD!! Way to go DRC! Blessings to everyone who helped these boys!!
I want to express my appreciation to everyone involved. The pictures show sad but very beautiful boys. I can't wait to hear how they progress. Please keep us posted here and on DRC
I am so glad these doodles are in foster care and wish I could have helped with their rescue. Next time. Nina, you and Phil are amazing, as are all the wonderful people that were involved in this operation.
What a wonderful group of volunteers! I am smiling just knowing these three boys are going to find kindness, a home and love. They are so lucky to have DRC and all the volunteers there to help them. Keep us updated please!
I have the curly haired boy in the third picture. His name is Scottie or Mr Scott. And yes I am a trekkie, but that is not how he got his name. The poor little guy is skinny, is all legs and a long snout. When he was drying out from his bath he reminded me very much of a Scottish deerhound. Every time we call him by Scottie or Mr Scott he looks at us and wags his tail. I guess that means he likes his name. Mr Scott is much like Harv he is a scared little dood. He will drink out of the water bowls, but I have had to hand feed him his dinner and breakfast. He is completely clueless about stairs so last night and this morning I had to carry him down the back porch stairs to do his business. In the last hour Harlow has taught him how to go down the steps. Now we need to teach how to go up. I have been putting each of his feet on the steps... first the left front, then the right front, next the left rear and lastly the right rear. Then Scottie gets a lot of praise, pats and kisses. He wags his tail and then we conquer the next step. Our back steps are 9 steps to a small landing and then another 3 to the back porch and mud room entry. Then there are 3 more steps up to the kitchen. Do you know how long it takes to get up 15 individual steps? Right now Scottie is traveling at impulse speed but we hope to have him to warp factor 1 soon.
I am just imagining him wagging that tail. Nina, y'all are awesome as always. Thanks to everyone!!! I am tearing up thinking of this.
Nina you are so wonderful. I am anxiously awaiting pictures of Mr. Scott. It sounds like Harlow is going to help teach him what being loved is about. I bet he likes your doggie cookies!! What a lucky guy.
Again I say many thanks to all of you involved. It is indeed a pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful caring group of people. Those of you that took on these fosters (Nine Frannie and Heather), you guys are amazing. Taking on the re-homes with little to no issues are nothing compared to taking on these frightened puppy mill puppies that need so much time and attention. Please do keep us posted on how it is going.



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