Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone have any ideas about this? 
I took Porter in for a wash, brush and hygiene clean up yesterday.  This was his second time with a woman who I like and who I thought does a nice job. 
He was in for only 3 hrs (7:30 - 10:30).
His hair was only about 1 inch long and not matted anywhere EXCEPT his tail was one long tube of matts.
I asked her to "do what you can with it, and if he comes out with a funny trimmed tail, I will not complain."
When I picked him up, he acted as he usually does: frantic and ecstatic to see me. 
She tells me she got out the matts, but it was tough and probably hurt him, so try to keep up with brushing it. 

Okay, gonna buy me some edible doggy tail conditioner.  Any recs?

When we get home, he pretty much panted the whole day long, and it was not particularly hot.  It made me nervous, thinking he was under stress or something.  He acted normal though, eating, playing and chewing on a bone.
The only other odd thing was that his butt stank for a few hours.  I guess she expressed his anal glands...onto him?  His butt smells fine today.  He is not panting like crazy today either.
He did kinda flinch away from me today when I went to pet him, and is not keen on anyone touching his back end.
I am asking what this could be because I want to bring him back to her, but not if you all think this was a stress or pain reaction.
Or was it heat? Can a full grooming and fluff out make a dog much hotter? 
Thank you.

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Replies to This Discussion

I know about the wait. I live in Sacramento, CA and am on a list for a high demand groomer. She's not taking any new clients until after the first of the year!
Are they using a cage dryer or hand held? If you don't watch it, the cage dryers can really over heat the dog. Also, most hand held dryers should be set at cool-warm. Poor baby sounds like he had a rough time at the groomers.

If tangles/mats get to be a problem, Isle of Dogs has rehab kits for different problems - one of which is tangles/mats. It's a 3-product kit with Evening Primrose Shampoo, Conditioner and Grooming spray. The kit is about $21. These are smaller than the regular size products you'd buy individually.

Connor & Simon send happy wags and doodle kisses to Porter.
Porter thanks your doggies for the wags and kisses.

I will check on the cage dryer. In fact, I am going to reread this whole thread, take notes and email them to myself!

At the moment, I bring Burt's Bees fragrance free baby wash for the groomer to use, and I just bought this PetHead stuff. But I will keep your Isle of Dogs rec in mind for when I run out.
Melissa, there are several really good products - thought I'd just throw a few out there so you'd have options. I know mats are a PAIN - literally and figuratively. Having had problems with Simon's puppy-to-adult coat change causing mats, we have tried many, many products - several of which I've read about right here on DK. So, just thought I'd pass along info that was so graciously provided to me. :-)

For an easy access product, I do like the PetHead for detangling. Hope it works for your baby, too.
In conclusion, today, five days after being groomed, Porter followed a labradoodle named Leo into the town's duck pond this morning. He even immersed his head and blew bubbles. He was covered in black slimy duck sh##. I know this only because I could see it coating white-haired Leo...oh, and I could smell him.
oh no!!!!! LOL.
Oh, Melissa! Well, Porter now needs a bath! Goodness!!!!! I was just starting to feel badly that I have to bathe Melody again. She toppled over my iced coffee and what a mess! Carpets, computer desk, herself. No complaints here, after reading about duck poop!
Ah, but I do have sympathy for You losing your iced coffee :-)



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