Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've looked for this topic and haven't found any reference to it so please excuse me if this is a "repeat".  Banjo  drives me batty with his licking.  ME.    Or more precisely the body lotion on me.   It makes me crazy!   I no sooner walk out the bathroom door....(I swear he's sitting outside the door waiting for his next fix)...and there he is!  Licking my feet, legs whatever he can get.  "No...No...No...Banjo NO!!!"
I make him sit so that I can get by him to the stairs....and he's right on my heels...licking my shins all the  way down the stairs!   Seriously, I worry that whatever chemicals are in  the lotions I use must not be good for any dog.   Does your dog do this???   Any good ideas on how to discourage this...aside from topping off the lotion with Bitter Apple?

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My Halle is a licker. And its not just when we have lotion on! She loves to cuddle, but when she climbs into your lap, she thinks she is suppose to lick you as well. She has now learned 'No lick", but even when she is commanded to stop, her little tongue keeps mimicking the act. If she is gettting a tummy rub, her little tongue is licking the air! Its truly OCD., I'm convinced of it!
Huff does it too, I never thought of it as a real problem but now that I think about the chemicals, I should pay more attention. Since I use hand lotion more than body lotion, he mostly licks my hands. Natural products is a good idea Kaytlin.
Raleigh is a lotion-licker too. LOVES especially the more flowery scents. Recently, he's taken a liking to deodorant too, in particular Dove original scent. If tend to sit on the edge of the bathtub while drying my hair and as soon as he hears the hairdryer go on, it's like a signal to him that i'm closer to the ground and because I have my hands over my head it's prime time to try and sneak a lick. It's so nasty! (sorry if TMI). My husband didn't believe this was true until he witnessed it first hand. Savannah, on the other hand, is much more of a lady and just looks at him like he's an idiot. lol
Oh yes! Tori can't "hold her licker" either... but what's worse than the lotion.... sweat! YUCKY GIRL! Whenever my son comes in from riding his bike, or playing ball, or whatever makes anyone in my family sweat... It's like she SMELLS it... and attacks! In fact, I have a picture of Tori on my profile page licking my son when he came home from playing a basketball game... messy book shelves, but great picture! LOL What do I do????? Um... "I give up"! :o)



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