Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all! Bernie is my first Doodle, my first large breed dog actually, so I'm hoping you all may have a little advice for me. I'm trying to figure out how big he'll get - not that it matters too much - but I just want to prepare myself. People see his feet and say "wow, he's gonna be big." His father is a medium-sized Australian Labradoodle, about 35 lbs, but his mother is a multi-gen standard Labradoodle, about 75 lbs. Bernie is 4 months old today and 33 lbs.

If any of you with adult Labradoodles remember what your puppy weighed in at around 4 months I'd appreciate your feedback!

Thanks so much!

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Yikes! That's hilarious. Sounds like Bernie is on the same schedule as Pagan so far...I'll have to check back with you at 6 months. Thanks for the heads up!
Finley (male goldendoodle) was 25 lbs. at four months. According to the formula he should weigh 60 lbs. or so. He is 17 months old and weighs 68 lbs. and is very lean. His mother weighed 55 lbs. (English golden) and father weighed 55lbs. (standard poodle). Finley has not gained any weight since he was 13 months old. BTW Finley's paws were also very large and I was terrified that he would grow to 90 lbs. or so. However, he still has big paws - they just look more proportionate to his body size now!
Thank you Sue, that sounds like a great size, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!



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