Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My pup (20 months old) needs something to chew on and keep him busy when I just can't throw one more ball!

I have seen those dog bones in the pet store - the ones that look like they have been roasted - but they look a little scary! Any suggestions for something that is healthy, safe...and will keep him busy for a while??



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The ones I buy are elk and moose antlers. They seem strong enough and believe me, Peri destroys everything within minutes (except antlers). They last us months.
I don't do Nylabone... I hear about so many accidents and stuff...
None of my dogs have ever been the least bit interested in them. They do make an edible version, but it's full of garbage, and I don't think it lasts all that long.
Yeah, Huff was never really interested in them either. There was one soft, flavored one that he liked and he chewed that down to to half of the bone. It wasn't as hard as the others I have seen and it was chicken flavored, but he only liked it for a while. He likes rawhide and filled bones but we haven't given him rawhide since he was a baby. We used to give him chicken basted rawhide bones but then I heard of all the bad things that could happen with rawhide and we found out that he chewed the rug because his rawhide bone left a smell in it. Now, we don't have a rug in the living room.....
Yup, that is what I heard. That is one reason we don't give them to him anymore. We never let him swallow pieces anyway but you never know. It's just too much of a risk.
This makes me cringe because Allie used to swallow them whole - really. The thin stick-like rawhide. This was when I was a very new "dumb" dog owner and it was oh so funny. Then I started reading about the risks and she hasn't had one since. Luckily nothing ever happened to her, just to know it could have freaks me out!
Scary, Huff just chewed on them, not swallowed them whole.
Peri has gotten hold of a rawhide at a neighbors house and she had quite a problem with resourcing guarding it. Doesn't happen with antlers, just the rawhide. Probably because she is not allowed to have it!!!!
People are starting to think I am nuts around me. Friends say "no rawhide?, no pig ears?, no xxx?". They think I am paranoid. Better safe than sorry.
Allie has a problem resource guarding Bully Sticks (which happen to cause diarrhea anyway) and Antlers don't cause it either! So I am quite ok not giving Bully Sticks any longer!
...are pig ears a problem?...I mean besides smelling and looking gross!!
We gave Huff one and he threw up. I think they are too greasy or something. I wouldn't try them if I were you but maybe it was just a bad batch or brand.
I wanted to update you guys on the Red Barn bone I was going to give Huff. Well, yesterday we gave it to him and he loved, loved, loved it!:) He cleaned it out really quickly. It was really big and made in the U.S.A. I would recommend this bone. They sell it at Petco. This is the one I got but it was filled with peanut butter not meat.
Sorry if I posted this before



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