Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I HAVE GOOD NEWS!  My Murph may be turning the corner, although I don't want to get too hopeful yet, because this also happened on Saturday evening, and then yesterday he was a mess again.  I think that the additional medicine that the Vet prescribed yesterday is helping to relieve his symptoms.  He's moving around much better now, which may be due to the anti-inflamammatory, and he ate his whole breakfast, which may be due to the anti-nausea/appetite stimulant.  So this is all great news.  He woke us up this morning and ran right to the kitchen for his food....he ate every single drop.  Right now he's standing on the daybed barking at Guinness, and he's about ready to leap on him and take away his toy.  I'm sure Guinness is thinking......He's baaack!  Today was also the first day that he fought like crazy when we had to do the eye medications....the other days he was just too weak to fight it.  So, I'm very encouraged by all of this.  Today he may even get a little walk, and I have to get Guinness out to do something fun before that poor guy goes "stir crazy".

I'll keep you all posted.  I have to talk to the Vet (an absolutely amazing, wonderful woman who I will forever have my gratitude) later this morning. 

Thank you ALL again....Doodle Lovers Are THE BEST!!!!!!

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This is wonderful - I've been haunting DK this weekend just to keep an eye on Murphy! Will you know if he has Rocky Mt Fever or what the official diagnosis is? I'll be watching to see more updates.
Whoopee!!!!! I am sneaking to see this update from my work computer. I just couldn't wait until I got home!
Hooray! for Murphy and for answered prayer! This is spectacular news!
It's getting funnier by the minute around here. I just fed the boys, and I put Murph back on his normal diet....Acana with a couple of tbsps of Guinness's home cooking. I put the dish down, and Murph just smelled it and then looked up at me...then he did it again. He was DISGUSTED! He was where's the steak? I "hung tough" and just ignored him as he just sat there staring at me. When he saw that Guinness was almost finished with his dinner, he finally started to eat....but he was NOT a happy camper! Over the past couple of days in order to get him to eat at all, DH has been running to the butcher for "special meats". I guess our Murph thought this could go on forever. Now he's taken the toys one-by-one and brought them up onto the Daybed where he's keeping them away from his brother....who isn't tall enough to jump up there. Earlier he kept "shoving" the Wubba which is now soaking wet and very slimy in my lap to throw for him. When I ignored this he backed up and just started barking at ME...he was indignant. Oh heavens, my boy is SO much better...I can go from crying to laughing in a split second. My boys have taught me that.
When Peri was younger and not feeling well, DH and I LONGED for her bad behavior to return. Seriously....I bet you know what I mean :)
I remember us saying "Doodette, come BAD, we want you to feel better and be obnoxious". LOL So happy for you Jane.
I see a quick return to "tough love" in Murphy's future! So glad he's back to being his usual "big shot" self!
Whoohoo! Way to go Murph! When our Springer had his surgery last summer, he would not eat and we did the same thing. The spoiling sure is easy to get into and hard to break!
Yay! Murphy is back!! Poor Guinness, got to put up with his pesky not-so-little brother again.
Excellent news. Glad you are back, Murphy.
Very good news!
Hooray for bad behavior!!!
Hallelujah!!! We'll continue to send good thoughts for a speedy FULL recovery!!!



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