Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am searching to find a great Mini English Goldendoodle Breeder.  I have done extensive searching on the internet and know exactly what I'm looking for. If anyone can give me any references I would sincerely appreciate it. I've already looked at the front page with breeders and didn't find any of the breeders I have been found online.

I would love to find a female mini English Goldendoodle between 15-35 pounds with a thick wavy coat. I'm looking for a breeder that is exclusively a Goldendoodle breeder. We originally thought we could find what we were looking for within a reasonble driving distance, but it looks like we may have to have a puppy shipped.

Any references or information on having a puppy shipped would be helpful.

Thanks! :)

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Erin, I did not realize you were new. I think we have another Erin on this site and thought it was a member who knew their way around here.

We do not discuss breeders in open forum. Please go to the website with our listed breeders and post there. Also, read what to Look For In A Breeder.

Hang on let me go find you the links.


There you are... good luck in your search.
REMOVED my first message and I will place that on your own page.
Here is a link to our DK Guidelines:
From the guidelines:

"Breeder Recommendations do NOT belong in the main forum, blogs or non-breeder related groups. If you want to recommend your breeder, you may do so in our Owner Recommended Breeders group or invite your breeder to post an ad in our puppy sales groups (mentioned below) or make the recommendation privately (on a member's profile page or by private message).

Profile names may not contain website URL's -- in other words ---"Adina of Adina's Doodle Photos is okay... "Adina (" is not. A simple name looks so much nicer and less cluttered than a business name.

Breeders may advertise litters or puppies for sale in either the "Labradoodle Puppies for Sale" group or the "Goldendoodle Puppies for Sale" group -- instructions on ad guidelines are listed in those groups. Breeders may also advertise breeder-related matters in the Breeders group freely."
Owner Recommended Breeders
Goldendoodles For Sale
This is correct. If you can look through the article on "What to look for in a breeder" it gives you specific breeder lists even outside of this site...that can be helpful in your search. Once you narrow down your list to 2-3 breeders or so...then you CAN ask for feedback (if you don't find a review of them on this site) BUT, know that you will need to add someone as a 'friend' in order to receive private information from them as public recommendations of breeders (or warnings of breeders) are not permitted except in the Owner Recommended Breeders group.
I'm curious if it is common/known for mini GD breeders use English Golden Retrievers. Back when I was looking at breeders it seemed that the English GRs are used to ensure a heavy-boned, block-headed dog, so adding mini to that seems counterintuitive. But I guess anything is possible with enough generations.
My thoughts of mixing the blocky dog (English) with a poodle might result in a more doodle=look rather than a poodle look in body type. Our Ned, who is an ALD has a more athletic body - more poodle than retriever. My point is that people tell us our poodle is very cute! So perhaps the breeders using English retrievers are trying to get away from the more delicate poodle look????
Makes sense. I was fixating on how it might be hard to get down to those low weights with big bones. Porter is an ALD whose parents weighed 40 and 39 lbs and I bet were taller than him. He is a Lab-bodied throwback weighing 65 lbs. His face is blocky, but his ears and hair are all poodle :-)
In human genetics, size is always dominant. Tall over short, big over small, etc. I assume it's the same in dogs.
How come there are both short and tall people in my family????? hmmmm Where did we all come from - or who IS your daddy????
For each characteristic, you get a gene from each parent. Here's a very simplified explanation:
Let's say the gene for tall height is T and the short gene is t. If you got T from each parent, your gene combination for height would be TT and you would be tall. If you got a t from each parent, your combination would be tt, and you would be short. But what if you got one of each? Your gene combination would be Tt, and you would be tall, because the T is dominant over the t. But you also carry that recessive t for short stature. Now if a person with the Tt combination has offspring with another person who is Tt, you have tall parents who could pass either a tall (T) or a short (t) gene to their offspring. If each of these tall parents happened to pass the t to one child, you would have a short child (a "tt" person) from two tall parents. You could also have tall kids with no recessive gene (TT) or tall kids with a recessive gene, like their parents (Tt). As long as there are recessive genes (and you don't know, because they are "masked" by the dominant gene) there can continue to be both tall and short people down through the generations. Does this makes sense?
Yes! Duh, I know this stuff. I think I never thought height was dominant; no wonder I have 2 tall ones and one short one.....Cool. This means my granddaughter will be tall or short! Short only from mom and short/tall from dad. There will be hope for her to be a taller girl like my daughter. Now about those eyes???? And hair???? We are taking bets on them. My DIL wants a blue-eyed red-head - and while it is a possibility, it is unlikely, however my husband's blue eyes are pretty dominant (all three of mine have his eyes exactly and not my brown or my dad's blue or even his dad's blue.... We can't wait for this grand daughter to get here so the looks speculation ends!!! Of course, the what will she grow up to look like will just begin....LOL
Blue eyes are recessive. We know for a fact that you have a recessive gene for blue eyes, because your dad could only have passed you a gene for blue, that's all he has, and none of your children could have them, in spite of your husband's blue eyes, if you didn't also pass the recessive gene. You DH contributed a gene for blue eyes to each of your children, because that's all he can contribute; in order for his eyes to actually be blue, he must have gotten a gene for blue eyes from each parent. Two blue eyed people can only have blue-eyed children. have one gene for blue eyes and one for brown. We know this because you got a gene for blue eyes from your dad, but your eyes are brown, so your brown gene from your mom was dominant.
If your DIL's eyes are blue, the baby will definitely have blue eyes. If her eyes are brown, it's a toss up. (Don't ask me about hazel & green, I don't know how that works, lol)
As to height, if your son passes a short gene, which he might have, and your DIL also passes a short gene, they could have a short child, even if your son is tall.
Red hair is dominant over blonde, but recessive to dark hair. So that one is a toss-up, too.



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