Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am searching to find a great Mini English Goldendoodle Breeder.  I have done extensive searching on the internet and know exactly what I'm looking for. If anyone can give me any references I would sincerely appreciate it. I've already looked at the front page with breeders and didn't find any of the breeders I have been found online.

I would love to find a female mini English Goldendoodle between 15-35 pounds with a thick wavy coat. I'm looking for a breeder that is exclusively a Goldendoodle breeder. We originally thought we could find what we were looking for within a reasonble driving distance, but it looks like we may have to have a puppy shipped.

Any references or information on having a puppy shipped would be helpful.

Thanks! :)


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You'll probably get your wish. So exciting to be so close. Can't wait to hear your news.
Thank you all for your friendship and support. It's been a little overwhelming! I can't keep up with all the request for friendship and do research on English Goldendoodles! LOL To explain the reason for wanting a "mini English Goldendoodle." ( I think I should include english 'teddybear' goldendoodle) English teddybear for their very light coloring and yes their dominant blocky head and muzzle. I think it gives them a more 'puppy' look. I love the look of a golden but wanted a dog that didn't look exactly like my Maddy. I also wanted to eliminate the shedding and love the soft curls of a poodle. And it is well known that poodles are very smart and easy to train. Most importantly is the fact GDs are a mix. I hope this will increase the longevity of the dog. Large purebred dogs (like my Maddy) don't live long. I don't want to loose another dog so soon. I'm looking for a smaller dog for the fact I'd like to take her with us when we travel and it woulbe be easier than a larger dog. I loved my big dog but now I'm ready for a lap dog :) Small goldendoodles are acheived by breeding a smaller golden with a smaller poodle then taking that smaller offspring goldendoodle and breeding it with an even smaller poodle hence resulting in a smaller/mini F1b goldendoodle! I just can't decide on a breeder! UGH :)
We have a standard English Goldendoodle. Our breeder has stopped breeding standards and is only breeding the smaller size now. They are listed in the California breeders. If you go to my page it probably says the groups I belong to and one is the breeder we had for Kona.
I should have added that Kona is the most wonderful dog in the world! We have had dogs all of my life and he is the sweetest, most easy to train, love-bug ever!
I have the same problem! did you ever get one? If so could you message me the name of your breeder? Thanks!



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